Variegated Fritillary Butterfly Images, Facts and Information:
Euptoieta claudia
- Variegated Fritillary butterflies are a North and South American butterfly in the family Nymphalidae. Variegated Fritillary butterflies are brownish orange above, with a complex checkered pattern of black markings and dark dots. The upperside is tawny orange with thick dark veins and markings, and there are black spots near the margin. The hindwing margin is angled and slightly scalloped.
- Variegated Fritillary butterflies are found in both North and South America. Its year-round habitat appears to be confined to the southern coastal plain, but its secondary or expansion range extends northward to southern New England, the Great Lakes region, and the Canadian border. The butterfly is widespread and common in the southern United States. It can be found in grasslands, farmland, roadsides, and other open areas.
I hope you enjoy viewing my Variegated Fritillary butterfly photos.
Mia McPherson
Variegated Fritillary butterfly at Tishomingo NWR
Title: Variegated Fritillary butterfly at Tishomingo NWR
Location: Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 5/15/2024
Mia McPherson
Variegated Fritillary nectaring on Common Hedge Parsley
Title: Variegated Fritillary nectaring on Common Hedge Parsley
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 6/11/2023
Mia McPherson
Variegated Fritillary on Common Hedge Parsley
Title: Variegated Fritillary on Common Hedge Parsley
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 6/11/2023
Mia McPherson
Variegated Fritillary at Sequoyah NWR
Title: Variegated Fritillary at Sequoyah NWR
Location: Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma
Date: 6/11/2023