Slaty Skimmer Dragonfly Photos
I took photos of Slaty Skimmer dragonflies the other day at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma and wanted to share them with you all.
I took photos of Slaty Skimmer dragonflies the other day at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma and wanted to share them with you all.
Today, I am sharing some of the American Lotus photos I took while visiting Reeve's Slough at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
When I traveled to Tishomingo recently, I spent some time taking photos of Black-eyed Susans. In the process, I also found insects eating or nectaring on them.
This landing Cattle Egret is slightly symbolic of my arrival in a new state and seeing the birds and wildlife of Oklahoma right outside my back door every day.
When I visited Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge last week I spent some time photographing Gray Hairstreak butterflies, a butterfly species that is new to me.
This morning, I wanted to share a few more things with wings: a set of butterfly photos I took recently at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
I'm sharing this Common Checkered-Skipper butterfly photo I took two days ago at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge. This was my last subject of the morning.
I had considered sharing this photo of this American Lotus on Easter Sunday, but I was feeling a little raw and sad. It was my first Easter without my mother.
I photographed these White-tailed Deer does with a fawn last June at Reeve's Slough, which is part of Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
While out in the West Desert two days ago, I photographed this adult Black-footed Drone Fly, a member of the hoverfly family, on a rabbitbrush.
I was tickled to photograph this female House Finch last week in sunflowers that had gone to seed. I liked the finch, the autumn colors, and the morning light.
This morning, I'm sharing a few photos of male Cabbage White butterflies and Common Sunflowers that I took last Sunday at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
On my last trip to Farmington Bay WMA, I stopped to photograph wild Common Sunflowers near the nature center and spotted a Jagged Ambush Bug on one of them.
Today's post is about American Lotus, dragonflies, and the rich habitat of Reeve's Slough at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in northeastern Oklahoma.
I'm sharing more American Lotus photos that were taken at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge last month when I visited my friend and photographer, Steve Creek.
This morning I am highlighting an American Lotus in bloom that I photographed yesterday in a slough at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
The first mammals I photographed at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma were deer. Later in the morning, I found these White-tailed Deer does and fawn in a lotus-edged slough.
I took these photos of Purple Loosestrife, Curlycup Gumweed, and Chicory last year while driving around Farmington Bay WMA in September.
My problem with Deer Flies is that while living in Utah I became extremely allergic to their bites. Each time I am bitten by the Deer Flies my reaction is worse.
I wanted to share this photo of a roadside Western Honey Bee in a Rubber Rabbitbrush this morning because when I look at it I think of fall.
Earlier this week I did some West Desert wandering and while I was there I took some butterfly photos that clumps of blooming rabbitbrush had attracted.
This morning I wanted to share a few of my recent butterfly images taken in the marsh at Bear River MBR and high up in the Wasatch Mountains.
This morning I wanted to share my recent Common Sunflower photos from Bear River MBR and some of the insects that pollinate these native wildflowers.
I have struggled for the past four days trying to identify a bright green grasshopper nymph that I found on a Common Mullein up in the Wasatch Mountains.
This morning I wanted to share some photos of the birds and blooms that I took images of one morning last week while I was high in the Wasatch Mountains.
May 20th is World Bee Day and I am sharing a photo of two native bees this morning. The Great Basin Bumble Bee and the Long-horned Bee. Native bees are important pollinators.
I had mere seconds to take this photo of a pair of Mourning Doves perched on lichen covered rocks on a desert cliff face in Box Elder County yesterday morning.
The first wildflowers I photographed this spring were some Gray's Biscuitroot that I found blooming on the north end of Antelope Island last week.
The first photos I took with my newly refurbished Nikon D500 with a new shutter assembly were of this Wild Turkey hen foraging on desert ranchlands.
I got lucky at one rabbitbrush when I found a Clouded Sulphur butterfly nectaring on what I believe is a Rubber Rabbitbrush.