Wood Storks – Diffuse light
There were high thin clouds and that worked in my favor to photograph these large white birds without blowing out the whites.
There were high thin clouds and that worked in my favor to photograph these large white birds without blowing out the whites.
As much as I love going to Antelope Island State Park to photograph birds I also enjoy going there to see and photograph the furry animals that can be found there.
This spring and summer I've a little been disappointed by how few Clark's Grebe images I have been able to take.
For the past two days I have been having an amazing time photographing a family of Red-tailed Hawks; including at least 4 juveniles, in Tooele County, Utah
The American Kestrel is our smallest falcon in North America but what they lack in size I feel they make up for in attitude.
Yesterday I observed an adult Willet defending its young from a group of Black-billed Magpies that were near the Willet's chicks.
I spotted this plover resting near the wrack line near the Gulf of Mexico during the winter and sand-crawled up close to it to get a low angle in the beautiful light.
Nikon's Image Overlay Function. Yes, I was experimenting with a little bit of Summer Lunacy. This is a bit whimsical and it makes me smile.
Seeing this newborn Pronghorn is one of those experiences that I will never forget. I already think that Pronghorn young are the cutest furry baby mammals on the planet.
After a recent journey from Simpson Springs in Tooele County to Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge in Juab County I have added it as a Favorite Location. It was an amazing trip with gorgeous views. I hope to return there soon.
For days it has been raining (sometimes hailing), cloudy and a miserable gray here in the Salt Lake Valley though it seems like two weeks to this bird photographer.
I hereby put the millions of biting gnats on Antelope Island on notice: No matter how many times you break through my insect repellent shield, I am still going to photograph birds on Antelope Island.
I am just happy to have seen the Pronghorn buck with misshapen horns again and for coming home with better photos of it for my files.
Yesterday I was tickled to spot not just one but a pair of coyotes on the causeway going to Antelope Island State Park
This blur was not intentional, but I do like the effect caused by the head of the Burrowing Owl spinning. Makes me dizzy just viewing the photo!
There are times that I open an image on my computer screen and I can't help but laugh. This is one of those images for me because of the tilt of the head of the Wilson's Plover.
Great Egret (Ardea alba) in flight, a balance of whites and light
The truly dumb animals are the people who install high fences on private property to cage large game animals inside and then for enormous fees encourage and allow other dumb animals to shoot captive animals and call it hunting.
It wasn't until I pulled the image up on my monitor that I saw that this duck was a hybrid, which turned out to be Cinnamon x Blue-winged Teal hybrid.
We almost missed this Coyote and had to back up the vehicle to take a few photos. The coyote was laying down on a small hill and at first it barely lifted its head and still appeared to be dozing in the morning sunlight.
Who doesn't need a bit of humor once in awhile?
Though I quite often photograph birds so that they are what is labled "frame filling" I also like to compose images that show the bird or animals small in the frame.
This morning I can hear Canada Geese overhead after a hot summer when I have heard few. Listening to them I realize that soon summer will end and the colorful season of fall will begin.