Updating my Wildlife Galleries
I've been pretty busy lately and one of the projects that has kept me burning the midnight oil is moving my images from the old galleries to my new ones.
I've been pretty busy lately and one of the projects that has kept me burning the midnight oil is moving my images from the old galleries to my new ones.
The White-tailed Prairie Dogs I saw and photographed last week in Wayne County, Utah seemed more active in the evening than mornings.
Looking at this bull's eye made me think of how long bison have been roaming the planet and how we almost pushed them to extinction.
Last month I photographed this coyote out on the mudflats and I recall wondering if it was the young coyote I photographed in August of 2013 all grown up.
Yesterday was a Coyote kind of day for me seeing two Coyotes fight, a pair chase off an intruding Coyote and another pair with an intruding Coyote following them.
Even when the light is cruddy I can't resist taking images of Coyotes no matter where I spot them.
Watching this Pronghorn sniffing the ground and chasing another buck in the area was fascinating to me.
Every once in a while though the winter sun would penetrate through the fog and it was during one of those moments that I photographed this frost-covered Bison bull as it rested in the grasses.
Yesterday I had a three Coyote day on the causeway to Antelope Island State Park, one was by itself and the other two were traveling together.
I spent the yesterday morning photographing with two great friends at Antelope Island State Park and Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area and had a wonderful time.
Yesterday morning started out gray and cloudy on Antelope Island and I photographed a few Bison bulls grazing and charging each other.
It has been a while since I have seen Pronghorn on Antelope Island State Park close enough to photograph so I was delighted when they were within my focal range.
The light and clouds looked iffy this morning but Antelope Island didn't disappoint when it came to bison and birds plus some dramatic light.
Today I spotted a Long-tailed Weasel in its winter coat but the light wasn't great and the whole area was socked in by fog.
Two years ago during the worst of the summer heat I photographed this Coyote and watched while it was pestered and probably bitten by a persistent Deer Fly.
This young Raccoon looks as grumpy as I feel this morning.
I thought I would share another American Badger portrait that I took back in May of this year on Antelope Island State Park in northern Utah.
Two years ago today I was in Glacier County, Montana photographing sparrows, partridge, Swainson's Hawks and White-tailed Deer.
I've compiled a medley of images this morning of bees, moths and hummingbirds that I have photographed this past week to share this morning.
Late last month I posted about Two Moose on the Loose in the Targhee National Forest and today I thought I'd share two more images of the moose.
On my recent trip to eastern Idaho's Targhee National Forest the first mammals I encountered and photographed were a cow and calf Moose.
Today I am focusing on older posts that have wildlife in them starting with Loggerhead Turtles then going to a Moose, a Midget Faded Rattlesnake and Red Fox kits.
Black Skimmers are beautiful and unmistakable, with their long orange/red black tipped bill, white underparts, blackish upper parts and distinctive barking call.
This is a follow up on my post from yesterday titled "Help Stop the Utah Crow Hunt" and deals with the codes of the Division of Wildlife Resources and Wildlife Board.
If the proposed crow hunt isn't stopped Common Ravens; fully protected under the MBTA, will almost certainly be killed this coming September because of mistaken identity.
For me there is something very serene and peaceful about this west desert Pronghorn image.
Last month while visiting Clark County, Idaho I was able to photograph this Yellow-pine Chipmunk that was on the rail of an old wooden fence.
I had such a marvelous time photographing the Onaqui herd in May that I just had to share more images from the day with the wild horses.
The Lewis's Flax are blooming on Antelope Island right now and to my delight there was a large herd of American Bison and their calves resting and grazing among the wildflowers yesterday morning.
I checked one of the items off of my bucket list yesterday morning when I spent time photographing, observing and being surrounded by a herd of wild Horses.