Juda’s Bush In Bloom With Seeds At Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge
While wandering on foot yesterday at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Steve Creek and I found some blooming Juda’s Bush to focus on and photograph for a bit.
While wandering on foot yesterday at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Steve Creek and I found some blooming Juda’s Bush to focus on and photograph for a bit.
Yesterday, when I shared the pale young Raccoon, I mentioned that I also photographed some butterflies at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Here they are!
This morning, I'm sharing two White Water Lily images I took last month at Charleston Lake Park in Franklin County, Arkansas. I love these pretty water lilies.
There are wildflowers blooming now that I haven't seen since I left Florida in 2009. Purple Passionflower is one of those flowers, so I had to take some photos.
After a great session photographing young Barred Owls at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, I also took some photos of a Great Blue Heron in a nearby slough.
I took photos of Slaty Skimmer dragonflies the other day at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma and wanted to share them with you all.
I smiled when I saw blooming Buttonbush at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge in the early June. I haven't seen Buttonbush blooms since I left Florida in 2009.
When I photographed this Common Yarrow in the soft morning light last month at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge, I found myself thinking about its name.
Some of the native wildflowers I photographed yesterday morning at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge were pretty clumps of blooming Green Antelopehorns.
Today I am sharing three Variegated Fritillary butterfly photos that I took at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge when I visited my friend, Steve Creek, in June.
This morning, I am showcasing two blooming Monument Plant photos. I took these images yesterday in Summit County, high in the Wasatch Mountains.
I'm sharing four Common Buckeye butterfly photos this morning. These images were taken at beautiful Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oklahoma.
Prickly Poppies are one of my favorite summer wildflowers. I find these poppies in desert habitats, most often in the foothills of sky island mountain ranges.
This morning I am keeping this fading Flatbud Prickly Poppy post short and sweet for two simple reasons.
I found some blooming Showy Milkweed in Morgan County high in the Wasatch Mountains two days ago and felt compelled to take images of these wonderful wildflowers.
This morning I am sharing photos of Mallard ducklings and blooming White Water Crowfoot taken in a creek high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Earlier this month I found an area where Longleaf Phlox were blooming in the Wasatch Mountains and I just had to take a few photos of them.
Last week while I was up in the Wasatch Mountains I had the opportunity to take photos of Roundleaf Snowberry berries in between photographing birds.
The first time I raised my lens yesterday morning it was for blooming Prickly Poppies that were along the shoulder of the bumpy gravel road.
Blue Elderberry shrubs are blooming right now high in the Wasatch Mountains. Two days ago I took a few photos of the elderberry blossoms.
I took quite a few photos of the fledgling Short-eared Owl that I had a clear view of and even though the lighting wasn't the best I was enchanted by the views I had of it.
Each Prickly Poppy flower is about 3 to 5 inches across with yellow centers of clustered stamens and delicate petals that look like white crepe paper.
My journey in life has taken me to many places and I'm glad that it brought me to Utah where I am enjoying photographing birds, wildlife and scenery. Seven years ago today.
Once upon a time I paid more attention to wildflowers and insects and photographed them extensively when I had the chance so today I thought I would resurrect one of my old files.
The Prickly Poppy is well named because the leaves and flower stems do have spines on them.
I photographed this Lance-leaved Arrowhead at Roosevelt Wetland in Pinellas County, Florida several years ago.