Winter Black-crowned Night Heron In Flight
While going through my archives this morning, I found this photo of a Black-crowned Night Heron in flight. It was taken in the marsh at Farmington Bay WMA in 2021.
While going through my archives this morning, I found this photo of a Black-crowned Night Heron in flight. It was taken in the marsh at Farmington Bay WMA in 2021.
This morning, I'm sharing a simple photo of a resting Ring-billed Gull adult that I took the last time I made a trip up to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
The last time I visited Bear River MBR, I took quite a few photos of Wilson's Snipes. I also wondered what the new name for this snipe species will soon be.
The last time I visited Farmington Bay WMA, I was enchanted by the song of a singing Song Sparrow perched on a wooden post in soft morning light.
On at least my last three trips up to Bear River MBR, I have found a Common Raven pair in the same general area of the north side of the auto tour route.
This morning, I wanted to share an Eared and Horned Grebe nonbreeding plumage comparison. Why? Because, at this time of year, I can see both species.
Now is a great time to see and hear Tundra Swans from the marshes at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. I saw several large flocks of them yesterday from there.
If you want to take Great Blue Heron photos in winter, on snow and ice, then head to Bear River MBR in Utah after the marsh freezes and the snow starts to fall.
On my last trip to Bear River MBR, I was able to take images of this White-faced Ibis preening, leaning, and walking in the wetlands next to the auto tour loop.
I saw this male Red-winged Blackbird perched in a Saltcedar on my last trip up to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge and felt I had to stop to photograph him.
Last Monday, when I photographed this American Pipit at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge in frosted grasses, I had several thoughts whirling around in my mind.
One of my favorite photos from my trip to Bear River MBR last Monday was of this Great Blue Heron in a natural alcove along the bank of the Bear River.
I had a great time observing and photographing a Pied-billed Grebe exhibiting Crash-dive behavior at Bear River MBR from the auto tour loop on Monday.
Yesterday morning, I was beyond thrilled to take several Wilson's Snipe portraits in frosty grasses while I was on the auto tour loop at Bear River MBR.
Since moving to Utah, I have seen and photographed Killdeer in every month of the year. It was no surprise that I found several at Bear River MBR last Monday.
What's better than having one coot in my viewfinder? I'd say having three American Coots side by side in my viewfinder at one time!
On this fall morning, I'm sharing three American White Pelican images from Bear River MBR taken earlier this week and a bonus flock photo from last year.
Last Monday I took my first autumn American Pipit photos of 2023 while I was on the auto tour loop at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. I was so happy.
While I was driving the auto tour route at Bear River MBR two days ago, I was tickled to photograph a roadside Common Raven in lovely, bright morning light.
Yesterday morning, a bathing Western Grebe gave me the giggles. Amidst global turmoil and my own personal struggles this year, I needed those laughs.
I took a few long distance photos of this Red-tailed Hawk at Farmington Bay WMA because of the fall colors in the Wasatch Mountains in the background.
I'm always happy to have a Pine Siskin in my viewfinder. When I saw this siskin five days ago in a Greasewood, I thought about how easily they can blend in.
I was thrilled to take several male Lesser Goldfinch images on my last trip to Farmington Bay WMA. It was a bright, sunny day, and I was enjoying it and myself.
I photographed this male House Finch at Farmington Bay WMA 3 days ago. I noticed that he seemed dull compared to male House Finches I saw in Arkansas this year.
My second gobsmack in a week occurred when I spotted a stunning leucistic Song Sparrow while driving slowly along the road at Farmington Bay WMA two days ago.
The last bird I photographed yesterday at Farmington Bay WMA was a surprise Sharp-shinned Hawk that flew in so close I could only take portraits of her or him.
Last week, I was happy to photograph a small flock of American White Pelicans fueling up for their fall migration in the wetlands of Farmington Bay WMA.
Last week, I photographed this Killdeer on a boat ramp at Farmington Bay WMA. It's such a simple image, and that's probably why I like it so much.
When I was at Farmington Bay WMA earlier this week, I was enchanted by this Savannah Sparrow perched in lacy-looking phrags, out on the marsh.
Earlier this week, I found this adult Great Blue Heron in a Flasher pose while resting on a human-made nest in a pond at Farmington Bay WMA in northern Utah.