American Robin – A Dawn Song Recording
This time of year, American Robins start to sing their dawn song about an hour before sunrise. Not just one American Robin—all of them in the neighborhood.
This time of year, American Robins start to sing their dawn song about an hour before sunrise. Not just one American Robin—all of them in the neighborhood.
I went to a new area of Arkansas yesterday morning and explored Sunnymede Trail Park which is in Fort Smith on the banks of the Arkansas River with Steve Creek.
Discarded fishing lures and other tackle can injure, strangle, and kill birds. I don't know how the story ended for this hooked Common Loon.
Yesterday, the American Birding Association announced that the Common Loon is the 2025 ABA Bird of the Year, and I was so excited. I love these striking loons!
I have to admit that, after living in Utah for nearly fifteen years, it feels weird not seeing California Gulls now that I've moved away. Really weird.
This morning, I'm sharing an American Coot photo I took last year in Utah. What I like about this photo is the coot and the concentric ripples in the water.
When I photographed this immature Eastern Bluebird three days ago, I imagined she had a question for me: "Hey, it's October. When is it going to cool down?"
I'm sharing some Eurasian Collared-Dove photos this morning. I've photographed them here in Arkansas before, but these are the first images I'm happy with.
Two days ago before sunrise, I went to put suet in the feeder and found a Carolina Mantis on the stick. Later, a Pine Warbler arrived, and it got interesting.
Recently, I photographed my first Spotted Orbweaver spiders in Arkansas. I used to photograph one of their relatives, the Western Spotted Orbweaver, in Utah.
If I hadn’t been focused on photographing insects two days ago, I wouldn’t be able to share these photos of female and male Eastern Carpenter Bees.
Two days ago, when I shared Huron Sachem skipper butterfly images I said I needed to identify another butterfly. That butterfly was a Clouded Skipper butterfly.
I don't always have the best light to photograph birds in—that's simply a fact. But I do like these low-light Carolina Wren images taken this week.
I took my lifer Huron Sachem skipper butterfly photos! I may have seen this species before, but I had never photographed one of these skippers until yesterday.
For a few brief seconds, I had an Eastern Phoebe in my viewfinder yesterday. I had seen one nearby earlier and was happy when this one landed in front of me.
On the same day I photographed the young Northern Mockingbird I shared yesterday, I also had a striking male Eastern Bluebird in my viewfinder for a little bit.
When this hatch year Northern Mockingbird flew into the birdbath two days ago, I was ready to photograph her or him as soon as they landed on it.
I was about to give up on bird photography for the morning yesterday when a gorgeous immature Summer Tanager flew in and landed in a pear tree.
Believe it or not, I'd never photographed any Daddy Long Legs before. I was happy to take photos of an Eastern Harvestman on a blooming sedum two evenings ago.
Today, I’m sharing a close-up of a young Eastern Cottontail rabbit that I took a couple of days ago while sitting as low to the ground as I could possibly get.
I was excited when an adult Brown Thrasher showed up yesterday and began moving toward me. I was already zoomed back a bit for the first few photos of the bird.
This morning I'm sharing a simple hovering Ruby-throated Hummingbird photo. I took the image yesterday because I had a camera in my hand.
Several weeks ago, I shared images of a young male cardinal. Today, I thought it was about time to put an immature female Northern Cardinal in the spotlight.
It has been quite the spring and summer for me. Part of the reason is seeing three broods of bluebirds. This hatch-year Eastern Bluebird might be one of them.
On the same day that I photographed the Carolina Wren, whose photos I shared yesterday, I saw and photographed my first Monarch butterfly in Arkansas!
While I was photographing a bathing Tufted Titmouse yesterday, a Carolina Wren snuck in silently and landed on a driftwood perch near where I was sitting.
I was focused on a bathing robin when, with my wandering eyes, I spotted a Northern Parula perched next to the bird bath yesterday. I was thoroughly delighted.
During a light rainstorm yesterday, I sat outside and photographed a young male Ruby-throated Hummingbird dodging raindrops. He sure seemed to enjoy the rain.
Yesterday, I spotted and photographed my first Carolina Mantis here in Arkansas. If not for my keen eyesight, I would never have seen the mantis at all.
I'm really very excited to share photos and a video clip of a young male Ruby-throated Hummingbird that I focused on for quite some time yesterday morning.