Late Summer Yellow-rumped Warbler
Yesterday morning I enjoyed having this Yellow-rumped Warbler pop into an open area of a leafy tree at Farmington Bay WMA for a few seconds.
Yesterday morning I enjoyed having this Yellow-rumped Warbler pop into an open area of a leafy tree at Farmington Bay WMA for a few seconds.
Yesterday morning I found this young Western Tanager in the Wasatch Mountains after it came out of a Gambel Oak tree to perch out into the open.
On a recent trip up into the Wasatch Mountains I had a cooperative Cedar Waxwing who was perched on a branch of a chokecherry tree with blue sky behind it.
This morning I wanted to share some photos of the birds and blooms that I took images of one morning last week while I was high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Yesterday morning I stopped to take a series of Cedar Waxwing images as a small flock of waxwings perched in a serviceberry that has just finished blooming.
While up high in the Uinta Mountains yesterday morning I photographed this female Tree Swallow checking out a nesting cavity in a Quaking Aspen.
I thought I would share a few photos of a adult male Broad-tailed Hummingbird I took high in the Wasatch Mountains last week as he flashed his gorget.
This male Broad-tailed Hummingbird showing his colorful gorget was just one of many highlights of my morning yesterday spent with a dear friend high in the mountains.
I was delighted to observe, hear and photograph a beautiful Green-tailed Towhee singing from a treetop two days ago high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Yesterday morning I spent time photographing a female Western Tanager perched on a juniper in a canyon out in the sky island mountains of the West Desert of Utah.
Last week I stopped to take photos of a Western Chokecherry because I could see that there were flower buds on it and I want to follow this chokecherry this year.
I was thrilled to find and photograph a male Blue-gray Gnatcatcher in spring breeding plumage yesterday at the edge of a juniper woodland in Tooele County.
This morning I am sharing a few male Northern Flicker images that I took seven years ago at the edge of a mountain forest in the Targhee National Forest in Idaho.
On Sunday I had this delightfully cheery, tiny Black-capped Chickadee hanging from a branch in my viewfinder for a few moments in time.
When I photographed this Great-tailed Grackle male in a pine yesterday I was torn between focusing on taking photos of him and laughing out loud.
Last month while up in Box Elder County looking for birds I spotted this Wild Turkey hen perched in a Netleaf Hackberry tree not long before noon.
Yesterday I photographed a light morph adult male Rough-legged Hawk perched in a tree in the Wasatch Mountains.
For the second year in a row the first bird I photographed in the New Year was a Rough-legged Hawk and both were photographed at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
The first bird that I could positively identify seeing for 2022 was a Canada Goose flying away from my local pond yesterday morning.
On the 3rd of December I spotted a small, colorful shape from a distance in a Russian Olive tree and knew immediately that I had found a male American Kestrel.
These are all birds I have photographed on Christmas Day through the years and all of them were photographed at Farmington Bay WMA.
It was a truly gloomy day when I spotted this immature Red-tailed Hawk perched in a tree with many branches at Farmington Bay last December.
I woke up this morning and my computer doesn't want to boot.
Two days ago I spent just a few moments focused on a hatch year male Red-winged Blackbird perched in an Russian Olive tree near Glover Pond here in northern Utah.
I photograph tons of Red-tailed Hawks. I have shared more Red-tailed Hawk articles on my blog and images in my photo galleries than any other birds species.
This year all I have been able to say is that snow has fallen on the mountains. Down here in the valley the snow has been MIA.
I photographed this Eurasian Collared-Dove last week at Farmington Bay and noticed that it didn't have the dark collar usually seen on this species.
I saw snow on Utah's West Desert mountains for the first time since late spring so I thought I'd share a few views of what I saw while out there yesterday morning.
I noticed in my Facebook memories that four years ago this morning was when I found my first of season Merlin out on the mudflats at Farmington Bay WMA.
My eyes and my birding instincts didn't lead me astray because there was a Clark's Nutcracker perched at the top of the fir.