Glowing Sunset In The Heart Of A Spruce Tree
For a brief period of time in December when conditions are right I can see the glowing sunset in the heart of my neighbor's spruce tree each year.
For a brief period of time in December when conditions are right I can see the glowing sunset in the heart of my neighbor's spruce tree each year.
I don't have much to say today and all I really wanted to do was share this photo of a colorful twilight I took at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge about 6 years ago.
March means spring to me and there are signs of spring that I look for. The first of year sighting of a White-tailed Prairie Dog is a sign of spring for me.
When the weather turns colder, the clouds gather, and the snow falls I still have plenty of birds to photograph here in northern Utah.
Throughout my life I have liked to think that every sunset has a promise and a gift from Nature in it. The promise that the sun will rise again in the morning.
When I have the opportunity to take photos of birds in the sweet golden light of sunset I jump at the chance even if the bird is as common as a Mallard hen landing on a pond. Why wouldn't I?
I typically don't announce publication of my work on my website but I am so honored to have my work included in Crown of the Continent and Greater Yellowstone e-Magazine that I decided to share this with my family, friends and all of the people who view my site.
The juvenile and out of focus adult Mourning Doves were perched on a lichen encrusted, slightly frosted fence rail near the road in the southern part of the Centennial Valley.
I feel worried for the future and I am filled with angst right now and I know I am not alone. However; I do know that even when times are difficult life is good. The sun rises after every sunset.
Watching a colorful sunset at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge fade to the darkness of night is a gift. A wonderful, priceless gift.
This image shows a sunset at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge from September 9, 2015 but every sunrise and sunset on our national lands is a treasure.
The are times when I feel that the sunset paints the sky with vibrant colors and although the earth seems muted at twilight its still anchors me.
My focus is usually birds and animals but as many of you know I also can't resist taking images of the beautiful views I see such as these two views of Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge last week.
I have always loved the pinks of the Roseate Spoonbills and the evening sun just made the colors even more delightful looking.
I enjoyed my journey to Beaver Dam Wash, Gunlock State Park and the Mojave Desert even though I didn't see the birds I hoped to photograph, every journey is an adventure.
I worked up two older Brown Pelican images to share this morning taken at Fort De Soto in 2009 and 2008.
The tide was rushing out of the tidal lagoon very quickly when I photographed this Roseate Spoonbill at the "Magic Hour" and the light on the Spoonbill and the Spartina behind it enchanted me.
Stay tuned ... For more images from my Montana trip, it was awesome.
This male Short-eared Owl in evening light was photographed last year in Glacier County, Montana not too long before the sun set.
I was sailing out of St. Thomas at sunset when these parasailers caught my eye and fortunately I had my camera in hand with a wide angle lens attached.