Mourning Dove In An Arkansas Winter Wonderland
Another series of snowy birds from the snowstorm that hit Arkansas last month. This time, a Mourning Dove that dropped into the deep snow near the feeders.
Another series of snowy birds from the snowstorm that hit Arkansas last month. This time, a Mourning Dove that dropped into the deep snow near the feeders.
This is the first American Robin that I have photographed in local crabapple trees all winter long. Usually, by March, the crabapples are eaten and long gone.
This morning, I'm sharing a male Belted Kingfisher photo that I took one year ago today. I was photographing ducks at one of my local ponds when he flew in.
This morning, I'm sharing six Canvasback hen photos that were taken two winters ago. I found the hen mixed in with other ducks at my local pond.
It is a chilly 29°F where I live in northern Utah on New Year's Day 2021 and from my living room window I can see that it is foggy outside.
Perhaps I am easy to please but I got a real kick out of photographing this American Coot while it bathed, shook and fluffed on the pond close to home.
Yesterday I saw so many Ruby-crowned Kinglets in northern Utah that it was impossible for me to keep up with them, I am certain I missed some excellent images because of that.
The warm temps and wet weather have produced lush, green spring grasses and forbs and the Mule Deer are now able to find fresh food without snow cover