February Sunrise At Charleston Lake
Sunrise in February at Charleston Lake Park in Franklin County, Arkansas, can be extremely beautiful—glorious, relaxing, refreshing, and reflective.
Sunrise in February at Charleston Lake Park in Franklin County, Arkansas, can be extremely beautiful—glorious, relaxing, refreshing, and reflective.
When I look at this photo of a Willet in the waves of the Gulf of Mexico I can almost hear the sounds, taste the tang of salt in the air and feel the warm water on my skin.
When I lived in Florida it wasn't unusual for me to share sunrise alone with birds at the north beach of Fort De Soto. Thirteen years ago I did just that with a Greater Yellowlegs.
Two days ago the second bird I photographed was a Great Blue Heron foraging in a farm pond just after sunrise in Box Elder County.
Truthfully I had better luck with the moon and mountains than I did birds yesterday except for one handsome Ferruginous Hawk perched along the road near farm lands.
I feel worried for the future and I am filled with angst right now and I know I am not alone. However; I do know that even when times are difficult life is good. The sun rises after every sunset.
This image of a Swainson's Hawk in golden light was taken not long after the sun rose and I love how the light seems to make the hawk glow.
I wanted to post an image with my D810 update instead of having a white page with just text. This photo of a Red Rock Lakes NWR sunrise is one that that I created on the last day of my last trip to Montana last year.
This West Desert Horned Lark in golden light was taken in the foothills of the Stansbury Mountains of Tooele County on a clear morning last month.
Burrowing Owls have become harder to find on Antelope Island State Park than they have been in the past so I was happy to spot this one three days ago.
This Coyote still has its winter coat but before long it will shed it for the sleeker summer coat.