Snowy Fox Squirrel Images From Arkansas
During the snowstorm earlier this month here in Arkansas, I didn't just photograph birds in the snow, I also took a few photos of Fox Squirrels in the snow too.
During the snowstorm earlier this month here in Arkansas, I didn't just photograph birds in the snow, I also took a few photos of Fox Squirrels in the snow too.
When I photographed this Fox Squirrel last week, I liked that he was standing up in nice light. Later, when I viewed the image on my laptop, I had to laugh.
I haven’t been seeing many squirrels since the temps started dropping below freezing at night. When this Fox Squirrel showed up, I was happy to photograph them.
While I was outside yesterday, I watched and photographed a young Fox Squirrel slowly climb down from an oak tree and run across a thick layer of pine straw.
For the first time, I saw, photographed, and filmed a Fox Squirrel gnawing on a deer antler, and it was pretty exciting. The squirrel seemed to love it.
Today, I am sharing two photos and a short video clip of a female Eastern Gray Squirrel as she gathered leaves for her drey at Mount Magazine State Park.
Because of cloudy then scorching hot weather, I didn't get out to photograph yesterday morning. But the day before, I focused on a Fox Squirrel eating acorns.
I took these photos of a Fox Squirrel when the squirrel came in to enjoy a nice drink of water at my friend Steve's Creek's bird bath in his yard in Arkansas.
I got out for about 30 minutes yesterday because the weather forecast was wrong, again. When I found my first-of-year Rock Squirrel, the sun was shining bright.
I didn't have to travel far to take close-up photos of this Fox Squirrel. In fact, I photographed the squirrel when I got home from checking out my local pond.
Yesterday, during a light rain, I looked out of my living room window, and to my surprise, I had a close-up view of a Rock Squirrel right next to the house.
Even though this Least Chipmunk was too close, it was simply too cute to pass by just two days ago when I was in the high country of the Wasatch Mountains.
Last week while I was up in the high country of the Wasatch Mountains, I was able to take a few Uinta Ground Squirrel close up photos next to the road.
This Fox Squirrel was one of the four squirrels my dear friend and wildlife photographer, Steve Creek, had living in his yard at his home in Arkansas.
I am completely unable to resist taking baby Uinta Ground Squirrel photos. These babies are simply that appealing to me, no matter where I find them.
I have a backlog of spring images to go through, including photos of a Rock Squirrel and a blade of grass from the end of April.
Two days ago when I was at a local park with my friend and yours, April Olson, I spotted a Rock Squirrel. Then I saw three more nearby and I had to take photos.
Almost three years ago, I photographed this Rock Squirrel perched in top of a juniper in the foothills of some sky island mountains in the West Desert of Utah.
In just about five weeks I should be able to take my first of year Uinta Ground Squirrel photos up in the sage-covered, grassy parts of the Wasatch Mountains.
Today is Squirrel Appreciation Day around the globe. Love them, or hate them, there is no denying that they are fun, fascinating, beguiling, fuzzy creatures!
This morning I am sharing some photos of the mammals I loved finding, seeing, photographing and having in my viewfinder in 2022.
On my most recent trip to the Wasatch Mountains, I relished the fall colors, a Ruffed Grouse, and a pair of cuddly Uinta Chipmunks.
Almost two weeks ago I took a series of images of this young Rock Squirrel near its burrow next to a dusty dirt road high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Warning: More cute Least Chipmunk photos ahead plus serviceberries high in the Wasatch Mountain Range. I just can't resist them and I don't want to.
Two mornings ago I had an absolutely fantastic time photographing a Least Chipmunk family feeding, cuddling, grooming and playing high in the mountains.
Last week I photographed this Least Chipmunk eating breakfast in bright morning light in a willow thicket high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Last Friday I couldn't resist photographing a chunky Uinta Ground Squirrel I found standing next to a road high in the Wasatch Mountains.
This morning I'm sharing some adult Uinta Ground Squirrel photos that were taken high in the Wasatch Mountains over the past month that I like a lot.
Cute baby Uinta Ground Squirrel images have become a yearly tradition and desire for me and this week the babies were emerging from their burrows.
I took my first of year Uinta Ground Squirrel photos yesterday morning high up in the chilly Wasatch Mountains not long after the sun lit up the sagebrush.