January Journey To Sequoyah NWR
My journeys to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma are always wonderful, even when I don’t take many photos or the weather isn’t all that great.
My journeys to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma are always wonderful, even when I don’t take many photos or the weather isn’t all that great.
On my most recent trip to Bear River MBR, I stopped my Jeep on the west side of the auto tour loop to take a few images of a pair of Clark's Grebes.
While I was at Bear River MBR on Tuesday I stopped to photograph and listen to the ice that has piled up on the west side of the auto tour route.
On April 2nd in a canyon in some mountains of the West Desert of Utah I heard a familiar call, the mewing call of a Gray Catbird while I was looking for birds to photograph.
March is a time when my mind wanders to windswept, high country sagebrush steppes where Greater-Sage Grouse will dance, fight and court on their leks as they have done for eons.
There are lots of Canada Geese near where I live in part because of the grassy golf course that is not too far away and because of the Jordan River and several small ponds that are just down the hill.
I was trying to photograph some Red-tailed Hawks when I heard a song close to me and realized it was a Song Sparrow before I even located the bird and put my lens on it.
I took this image of the Piping Plover on a shell covered beach right after the sun came up when the light had that sweet golden tone to it
Normally we have Western Meadowlarks year round here in the Salt Lake Valley but because this past winter was harsh it seemed that they moved south for a bit. They are back now and singing their songs of spring.