American Coots On Lower Scarborough Slough
Lately, I’ve been seeing hundreds of American Coots at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, and a few days ago, I photographed some on Lower Scarborough Slough.
Lately, I’ve been seeing hundreds of American Coots at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, and a few days ago, I photographed some on Lower Scarborough Slough.
While I was at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge yesterday, I found serenity in the beautifully peaceful views the refuge offers in late winter.
This morning I'm sharing two different views of a beaver lodge on Lower Scarborough Slough at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
I spent the morning at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge yesterday, and I have to say, the sunrise was simply glorious. It was pretty cold, too.
The last week or so has been too gray and wet to get out and photograph birds, but it has given me time to think about taking more Green Heron photos in Oklahoma.
My journeys to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma are always wonderful, even when I don’t take many photos or the weather isn’t all that great.
There is no way to deny that this is a crap shot of a Storm Wigeon. This awful photo was taken at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma last week.
I'm delighted to be able to share my first White-faced Ibis photos at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma taken yesterday. I really like these birds.
Yesterday morning, I had a marvelous time with a subadult Green Heron in my viewfinder at Dockery Slough on the Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
This morning I am sharing a simple photo of an adult Gray Treefrog on a lotus leaf taken at Sequoyah NWR. Or is it so simple? Maybe it is more complex.
I'm trying to get caught up with photos I haven't shared yet, so today I am sharing a few American Green Tree Frog photos I've taken at Sequoyah NWR recently.
After a great session photographing young Barred Owls at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, I also took some photos of a Great Blue Heron in a nearby slough.
I took photos of Slaty Skimmer dragonflies the other day at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma and wanted to share them with you all.
Today, I am sharing some of the American Lotus photos I took while visiting Reeve's Slough at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
For me, I feel peaceful when I view this Great Blue Heron photo from Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. The lush habitat plus the bird makes me feel that way.
I took this Great Egret photo yesterday at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Even with the morning mist, I could tell something fluffy was stuck on its bill.
Recently, I've had a couple of opportunities to photograph a Wilson's Snipe in the Lower Scarborough Slough at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
I had considered sharing this photo of this American Lotus on Easter Sunday, but I was feeling a little raw and sad. It was my first Easter without my mother.
I photographed these White-tailed Deer does with a fawn last June at Reeve's Slough, which is part of Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
A quick post about a Great Blue Heron hunting for breakfast in Azolla at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in June in Oklahoma.
I took this Great Egret portrait at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma in June while I was visiting my friend and fellow photographer, Steve Creek.
When I visited Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge with my friend Steve Creek, I was tickled to take several Raccoon images from various locations at the refuge.
Today's post is about American Lotus, dragonflies, and the rich habitat of Reeve's Slough at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in northeastern Oklahoma.
When I visited my friend Steve Creek, I photographed this Great Egret at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. The red vegetation floating on the water is azolla.
When I visited Sequoyah NWR for the last time before heading back to Utah I became excited when I spotted a Barred Owl perched in lush reeds.
I'm sharing more American Lotus photos that were taken at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge last month when I visited my friend and photographer, Steve Creek.
This morning I am highlighting an American Lotus in bloom that I photographed yesterday in a slough at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
The first mammals I photographed at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma were deer. Later in the morning, I found these White-tailed Deer does and fawn in a lotus-edged slough.