Baird’s Pocket Gopher In Arkansas
These photos of a Baird's Pocket Gopher mark only the second time I've had this rodent species in my viewfinder—once in Oklahoma and now in Arkansas.
These photos of a Baird's Pocket Gopher mark only the second time I've had this rodent species in my viewfinder—once in Oklahoma and now in Arkansas.
Earlier this month, I was sitting on the steps enjoying the sunshine and the birds singing when, all of a sudden, I spotted a Baird's Pocket Gopher in the yard.
January 21st is Squirrel Appreciation Day around the globe. There are many reasons to appreciate these furry, four legged, cute creatures.
I found and pointed out dozens of birds yesterday but the biggest surprise to me was spotting a Yellow-bellied Marmot out and about in the middle of January.
The Yellow-bellied Marmot in these photos should be hibernating until mid-March. I spotted it wide awake yesterday on a rocky slope in northern Utah.
This Least Chipmunk was running along the rails of an old wooden fence and when it stopped for a rest on a fence post I was ready.
Yesterday I photographed a muskrat I found eating green filamentous algae at Farmington Bay WMA which I thought was interesting because I had never seen one eating algae before.
I am very fond of Yellow-bellied Marmots so when I spotted one clambering down some rocks into a crevice close to the road I became excited and as soon as I could I started taking photos of it.