Winter Carolina Wren Memorable Moment
During a mixed ice-and-snow storm yesterday afternoon, I had a memorable moment with a Carolina Wren—one I'll probably think about for the rest of my life.
During a mixed ice-and-snow storm yesterday afternoon, I had a memorable moment with a Carolina Wren—one I'll probably think about for the rest of my life.
Who knew that I'd be taking Carolina Wren photos yesterday? I didn't, even though I've been seeing or hearing them daily here. They have just been too skittish.
I headed down to my neighborhood ponds yesterday morning while there was some sunshine and my favorite image of the day was simply a duck on a rock.
On this last day of the year it is time for my annual 2022 Year in Review post. In some ways 2022 has been great for me and in others not so good.
This morning I am sharing some photos of the mammals I loved finding, seeing, photographing and having in my viewfinder in 2022.
It has been almost exactly one year since I have taken high quality images of American Pipits. I have a fondness for these birds and I have missed them.
At Farmington Bay WMA yesterday I saw and photographed two kinds of meadowhawk dragonflies including this Band-winged Meadowhawk resting on a boulder.
Two days ago, I was searching for birds at Farmington Bay WMA when I noticed a dragonfly landing nearby and took a couple pictures of it.
I spotted this Rock Wren at Farmington Bay WMA two days ago. The wren looked slightly out of place surrounded by the marshes that are found at this location.
This morning I am thrilled to share these Long-tailed Weasel photos taken on the last full day of summer at Farmington Bay WMA which are all thanks to a Rock Wren.
The first Saturday of September is International Vulture Awareness Day which is a day to bring awareness to these birds that face a range of threats.
Last week I showed my friend Steve Mirror Lake Highway in the Uinta Mountains and I was able to put him on a lifer Yellow-bellied Marmot.
Today I am sharing two portraits of recently photographed Yellow-bellied Marmot pups that I found near their den in desert habitat in northern Utah.
Today marks seven years of daily posts for me here at On The Wing Photography. Another year has gone by and another milestone has been reached.
About two weeks ago I found an adult Loggerhead Shrike perched on a lichen covered rock in northern Utah a good distance from the road that I was on.
A few days ago I was thrilled to have four small Yellow-bellied Marmot babies to observe and photograph on some rocks in far northern Utah.
Any time I have a Rock Wren in my viewfinder is a good day for me. Yesterday was an especially good day because I had two nesting adult Rock Wrens to focus on.
I was delighted to find and photograph a Yellow-bellied Marmot pup peeking out of a crack in some lichen-covered rocks on the 1st of April in northern Utah.
March 13th is an anniversary of sorts for me. The date is the earliest that I have seen and photographed a Sage Thrasher in northern Utah.
Yesterday I found and pointed out a bunch of birds in northern Utah. The long distance Rock Wren photos I took were the birds that brought me the most joy.
January 21st is Squirrel Appreciation Day around the globe. There are many reasons to appreciate these furry, four legged, cute creatures.
I found and pointed out dozens of birds yesterday but the biggest surprise to me was spotting a Yellow-bellied Marmot out and about in the middle of January.
I've been seeing and hearing American Pipits since the end of September but this was the first time this fall I was able to get close to them.
I saw snow on Utah's West Desert mountains for the first time since late spring so I thought I'd share a few views of what I saw while out there yesterday morning.
I am now on the lookout for my first of season Rough-legged Hawk. I hope to spot one soon.
When I spotted the light colored breast of this immature light morph Red-tailed Hawk from a distance it seemed to glow in the morning light.
This photo of an immature White-crowned Sparrow perched on a lichen covered rock has some of the colors of fall in it.
Sage Thrashers are only in Utah for their breeding season and by now all their chicks have fledged and are feeding on their own.
Brown-headed Cowbird breeding activity hasn't slowed down yet high in the Wasatch Mountains if this displaying male is any indication of their mating attempts.
Yesterday when I spotted a Rock Wren singing from the top of a juniper in Utah's West Desert I hoped to take a few decent photos of it before it flew away.