Around The Corner: Spring Eastern Bluebird Photos
I'm not trying to wish winter away, but warmer-than-normal temps have me thinking about spring and the birds that come with it—like this male Eastern Bluebird.
I'm not trying to wish winter away, but warmer-than-normal temps have me thinking about spring and the birds that come with it—like this male Eastern Bluebird.
I'm delighted to be able to share my first White-faced Ibis photos at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma taken yesterday. I really like these birds.
Yesterday, I was happy to photograph a few Yellow Garden Spiders while taking a walk on a side road at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. You might wonder why.
After I photographed the Ruby-throated Hummingbird I shared yesterday, I focused on a hatch year Red-bellied Woodpecker with some kind of prey in their bill.
In a previous post, I showed some of the food a male Eastern Bluebird brought in to feed his chicks. This crane fly prey had Steve and me scratching our heads.
Steve and I have some sad news today: the mama Eastern Bluebird at Steve's nest box is no more. The last time we saw her at the nest box was Sunday evening.
Today, I am sharing portraits of a male Eastern Bluebird that were taken in my friend Steve Creek's yard. The male bluebird was bringing food in to his chicks.
Because it was a bright, sunny day yesterday morning, I went down to my local ponds. I photographed an American Coot munching on frosty grass near one of them.
Two years ago today, I spotted this gorgeous adult Bald Eagle perched on a pole from about a half-mile away on a bright, sunny morning up in far northern Utah.
Little did I know that on my last trip up into the Wasatch Mountains, that I would witness a battle between a Belted Kingfisher and my first-of-season Merlin.
I have to say that I was thrilled to photograph this Eastern Phoebe with prey last month while I was visiting Arkansas and Sequoyah NWR in northeast Oklahoma.
Today I am sharing a Red-headed Woodpecker with a mayfly in its bill that I took yesterday at Sequoya National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
At the end of April, while photographing an Osprey and Caspian Terns, I also found a Double-crested Cormorant swallowing a Tiger Trout close to home.
On my last trip to Bear River MBR I saw and photographed a Goldeneye-Merganser showdown where the prize that was being fought over was a shiny shad.
On this day two years ago, I photographed this immature male Common Goldeneye with a catfish at the pond in my neighborhood. It was a chilly, wintry afternoon.
This morning I am sharing photos of an immature Rough-legged Hawk, its staring prey, of the bird feaking and a bonus image that shows the tongue of the hawk.
On my last trip up to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge I came across this Great Blue Heron and spent only one minute photographing the large wading bird.
Four days ago I stopped briefly where I knew that there was a House Wren nest and was delighted to see an adult with insect prey for its young in its bill.
Yesterday morning I spent some time high in the Wasatch Mountains and came home with a few Ruby-crowned Kinglet photos that I liked enough to share.
Two days ago I was able to take a nice series of immature Red-tailed Hawk portraits on my most recent trip up to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
Two days ago I spent a lot of time focused on a first winter Common Goldeneye drake as he swam, foraged, and ate at an urban pond close to home.
Yesterday morning I photographed an immature Red-tailed Hawk dining al fresco on the bank of the Bear River on my way back to I-15 to head home.
Yesterday morning I spotted this dark morph Red-tailed Hawk high on a cliff and I was able to photograph him as he lifted off with prey in his talons.
It was a very memorable first of year sighting of these Rough-legged Hawks. The kind where you sit there wondering if you really saw what you saw.
Nearly hidden in the marsh vegetation was an immature Black-crowned Night Heron perched on some phrags at the edge of the water.
Yesterday on the last full day of summer I found a couple of hawks in the West Desert including this immature light morph Ferruginous Hawk.
Yesterday morning I was able to spend time taking Willow Flycatcher photos high in the mountains with clear skies overhead as I watched the flycatchers hunting for prey.
Bird activity in the Wasatch Mountains has gotten slow but I was able to find and photograph an adult Gray Catbird with food for its young two days ago.
Had it not been for my keen eyesight and a little bit of movement in a serviceberry shrub I would have missed out on taking nesting House Wren photos yesterday.
Two days ago I photographed an adult Spotted Sandpiper foraging in Common Water-Crowfoot in a creek in the Wasatch Mountains.