Cicada Shell And The Photographer Who Took The Image
This cicada shell on a pine tree was photographed by little old me in Arkansas yesterday. The photo of me taking this image is by my dear friend, Steve Creek.
This cicada shell on a pine tree was photographed by little old me in Arkansas yesterday. The photo of me taking this image is by my dear friend, Steve Creek.
This morning, I am sharing young and adult Blue Jay photos that I took from my dear friend Steve Creek's deck while I was staying with him in Arkansas.
While I visited my friend Steve in Arkansas, I was happy to hear, see, and take a few Great Crested Flycatcher photos in his yard and at the refuge in Oklahoma.
I photographed this young Red-bellied Woodpecker last month in Arkansas. I was visiting my dear friend and fellow photographer, Steve Creek.
When I photographed this Great-tailed Grackle male in a pine yesterday I was torn between focusing on taking photos of him and laughing out loud.
It does not matter where I am or what I am doing, I am never not looking for birds.
Today's post is just a simple bird. A sky blue Mountain Bluebird perched on a rustic pine fence railing taken on a bright beautiful morning in the Centennial Valley of Montana.
The Great Blue Herons here in Utah are dealing with ice, snow and bitter cold temperatures now but the Great Blue Herons in Florida they have started courting and building their nests.
What can I say about this image of an adult Great Horned Owl feeding its young that is strongly back lit by the setting sun on Honeymoon Island State Park in Florida?
There are five recognized subspecies of Red-shouldered Hawks with the Florida Red-shouldered Hawks having the palest heads and plumage. I believe this Red-shouldered Hawk adult is from the Florida race, Buteo lineatus extimus.