Spring And Winter Male Northern Cardinal Images
This morning, I'm sharing images of a male Northern Cardinal taken in the same oak tree here in Arkansas during different seasons: spring and winter.
This morning, I'm sharing images of a male Northern Cardinal taken in the same oak tree here in Arkansas during different seasons: spring and winter.
Because of cloudy then scorching hot weather, I didn't get out to photograph yesterday morning. But the day before, I focused on a Fox Squirrel eating acorns.
Even though they are abundant in Arkansas and Oklahoma, I can't seem to see or take enough Northern Cardinal images. I sure missed them when I lived in Utah.
Steve and I have some sad news today: the mama Eastern Bluebird at Steve's nest box is no more. The last time we saw her at the nest box was Sunday evening.
Hello from my friend Steve Creek's amazing bird-filled yard in Arkansas, where I photographed this striking male Northern Cardinal from his deck yesterday.