Urban Eurasian Collared-Dove In Morning Light
Two days ago I shared a close photo of a curbside Mourning Dove. Today I am sharing a Eurasian Collared-Dove image taken at nearly the same time and same place.
Two days ago I shared a close photo of a curbside Mourning Dove. Today I am sharing a Eurasian Collared-Dove image taken at nearly the same time and same place.
I took these photos of Purple Loosestrife, Curlycup Gumweed, and Chicory last year while driving around Farmington Bay WMA in September.
Both Common Mullein and the Western Honey Bee are introduced, non-native species yet I can't resist photographing them when given the opportunity.
My subject was actually a slightly messy Orange-crowned Warbler perched on a branch looking down at the ground.
Two days ago in between taking Willow Flycatcher photos in the Wasatch Mountains I took blooming Common Mullein images because they were nearby.
This plant is Black Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) and is also known as Henbane, Hog’s-bean, and Stinking Nightshade and is native to the Mediterranean.
When I first moved to Utah in 2009 I saw very few Eurasian Collared-Doves but now I see them in many locations and sometimes in large numbers.
Two days ago I spotted a Wild Turkey tom crossing a dirt road high up in the Stansbury Mountains and to my delight there were several more males following behind him.
The first time I remember seeing Cattle Egrets I was a child who had just moved to interior Florida, I think I was in the second grade at the time or about 7 to 8 years old and these white birds that followed cattle around seemed so fascinating and exotic to me.
Yesterday I found a trio of young Raccoons at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge and was able to take a series of images of them from inside my Jeep as they cautiously checked me out.
Any bird that eats those nasty sand spurs is a hero in my book and Nanday Parakeets are one of them.