Bison babies and Lewis’s Flax
The Lewis's Flax are blooming on Antelope Island right now and to my delight there was a large herd of American Bison and their calves resting and grazing among the wildflowers yesterday morning.
The Lewis's Flax are blooming on Antelope Island right now and to my delight there was a large herd of American Bison and their calves resting and grazing among the wildflowers yesterday morning.
Sawgrass Lake Park in Pinellas County, Florida is a wonderful location for birds and other things with wings including Eastern Pondhawk dragonflies.
I've always felt it was my responsibility to speak for and defend those who can not speak. I feel that way about our bees survival and I know that many of you do too.
Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge is always a delight and I never know exactly what I might see when I am there which suits my spontaneous nature perfectly.
I have written before on how Red Knots are a species on the edge because of plummeting populations declines and today they still need our help.
Happy Mother's Day 2014!
I checked one of the items off of my bucket list yesterday morning when I spent time photographing, observing and being surrounded by a herd of wild Horses.
There are some images that I like just because I find them funny and this American Bison bull photo taken on Antelope Island State Park is one of those.
It is Earth Day and I wanted to write about it this morning. A LOT of good has come from everyone's involvement in Earth Day but there is still so much to be done.
Back to thinking about nature, birds, photography and the amazing, wild places that await me.
The sky outside is cloudy and gray this morning so I thought I'd share some images with rosy colors to brighten my day and hopefully yours as well.
Do I think that Wildlife Services needs to be investigated? Yes, and the sooner the better.
Just a simple image today of the Fremont River taken near Capitol Reef National Park last month.
The tide was rushing out of the tidal lagoon very quickly when I photographed this Roseate Spoonbill at the "Magic Hour" and the light on the Spoonbill and the Spartina behind it enchanted me.
On my last visit to Antelope Island State Park five days ago I noticed that some of the wildflowers have started to bloom including Gray's Biscuitroot and Redstem Filaree.
There is a quality that feels very tranquil about this Tricolored Heron image for me. It may be the still, silky texture of the water or the soft pastel color of the water created by the early morning light.
One of the biggest surprises for me on my recent trip to southern Utah was coming across a "bouquet" of 500 or more Black Rosy-Finches that were foraging along the side of Utah State Highway 24.
Long ago in a subtropical clime with plenty of heat, humidity and the occasional hurricane I used to photograph with a small point and shoot camera from Canon and had great fun doing it.
Antelope Island State Park in northern Utah is a place where the "Buffalo" still roam unfettered by fences in a wild and majestic location.
Long-billed Curlews have begun to leave or have left their wintering grounds and should be winging their way to Utah and arriving here any day now.
This Coyote image always makes me smile. It was taken in early March of 2010 as the Great Salt Lake began to thaw and there was a hint of spring in the air.
Starting the day photographing Coyotes always makes me want to howl with delight. They are amazing adaptable creatures who help to keep nature in balance.
The Centennial Valley says "home" to me with the expansive views it offers of not only the valley but the Centennial Mountains and the Lower Lake and beyond. I find peace there.
Shorebirds like this tiny Snowy Plover on a sugar sand beach were my "spark" birds when it comes to my bird photography and they are what made my passion for bird photography catch fire.
Two years ago I could often find Northern Harriers hunting along the causeway to Antelope Island State Park and I photographed a series of images of this female Northern Harrier on February 16th of that year.
Happy Valentine's Day! I never much cared for cut flowers and prefer to see them in nature so today I present a wet American White Waterlily I photographed in 2007 at Sawgrass Lake Park in Florida.
I thought posting an adult Burrowing Owl in flight taken during the summer of 2011 on Antelope Island might help to brighten my spirits as I dream of the sun again.
It has been quite some time since I have photographed Pronghorn on Antelope Island State Park because it seems that the Pronghorn have kept mostly to the west and south sides of the island this winter.
There are times when one subject will make my day in the field worthwhile, yesterday it was a lone Coyote hunting for voles on the shoreline of the Great Salt Lake.
Today I reached the 1000 posts mark for my blog here at On The Wing Photography. In those 1000 posts I've covered a lot of birds, animals and locations.