Posts from the Past – Wildlife
Today I am focusing on older posts that have wildlife in them starting with Loggerhead Turtles then going to a Moose, a Midget Faded Rattlesnake and Red Fox kits.
Today I am focusing on older posts that have wildlife in them starting with Loggerhead Turtles then going to a Moose, a Midget Faded Rattlesnake and Red Fox kits.
Today I am focusing on older posts that have some of my favorite locations in them starting with Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge
Today I am focusing on older posts that have shorebirds in them starting with Black-bellied Plovers.
Today I am focusing on older posts that have owls in them starting with Great Horned Owls.
I never know what treasures I will find or if I will be taking wildlife, scenic or bird images but that is part of the fun.
This week the temperatures here in Utah are going to be in the mid to upper 90's so I was looking for something to visually cool down with and I thought of Alaska.
I never seem to get caught up processing all of my images but I picked this Calliope Hummingbird image to process and share this morning.
Yesterday morning I happened to be on Antelope Island State Park as July's Super Moon set over Buffalo Point and I took a few images of it.
This is a follow up on my post from yesterday titled "Help Stop the Utah Crow Hunt" and deals with the codes of the Division of Wildlife Resources and Wildlife Board.
If the proposed crow hunt isn't stopped Common Ravens; fully protected under the MBTA, will almost certainly be killed this coming September because of mistaken identity.
On my trip last week to Montana I saw quite a few Long-billed Curlews.
The amazing birds and animals keep me going back to Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge but the scenery and wildness of the area does too.
Life is good
There is just something about this Coyote image that makes me feel happy.
I am very fortunate to live in a state where the scenery is ever-changing and that has views can take your breath away.
For me there is something very serene and peaceful about this west desert Pronghorn image.
Burrowing Owls are one of my favorite subjects to photograph and to get one perched with the Great Salt Lake in the background was wonderful.
If I could pick a place to escape the craziness of modern life this place in the Centennial Valley of Montana would be at the top of my list.
Happy Summer Solstice.
I also felt trepidation about the San Rafael Swell area because nothing within this state that is filled with stones is written in stone except the ancient pictographs and petroglyphs.
I love photographing my subjects but I am also there for the experiences I crave in nature, the quiet, the peace and the grand views.
Last month while visiting Clark County, Idaho I was able to photograph this Yellow-pine Chipmunk that was on the rail of an old wooden fence.
It is raining here in the valley this morning and snow is falling in the high country in the middle of June so I am sitting here dreaming of Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge.
Just a simple post of an American Oystercatcher about to be awash in sea foam at Fort De Soto's north beach taken back in September of 2008.
I had such a marvelous time photographing the Onaqui herd in May that I just had to share more images from the day with the wild horses.
I am sharing a portrait of a lone Coyote that I took as this lovely creature foraged for food along the Antelope Island Causeway.
Yesterday I photographed another lifer! An American Dipper with prey at Cascade Springs in the Heber Valley of Utah.
I know. We never know when things in our lives will change but I had come to depend of seeing that dear old barn on each journey through the Centennial Valley of Montana.
I photographed this Osprey at Lettuce Lake Regional Park from the observation tower, the Osprey had tried to catch a fish but came up with just the filamentous algae in its talons.
A few days ago I posted about the Northern Mockingbird flight display and today I'd like to share two images of Bahama Mockingbirds photographed in the Bahamas in 2009.