Young Swamp Rabbit Delight
Yesterday, I was delighted to see and thrilled to photograph a young Swamp Rabbit not long after sunrise, from the deck of my dear friend Steve Creek's garden.
Yesterday, I was delighted to see and thrilled to photograph a young Swamp Rabbit not long after sunrise, from the deck of my dear friend Steve Creek's garden.
Last week while I was up in the high country of the Wasatch Mountains, I was able to take a few Uinta Ground Squirrel close up photos next to the road.
What I liked about this photo was that I caught the female Red-winged Blackbird with her bill open while she was munching on a midge.
Two days ago I photographed something I had never seen or documented when I stopped to take photos of a Uinta Ground Squirrel and it started eating a big, fat earthworm.
I don't get to see Least Chipmunks year round here in northern Utah so I try to photograph them each time see them because they are such charming subjects. This one sure charmed me.
Uinta Ground Squirrels spend most of their lives underground and because they do they need to make the most of their time above ground matter and they certainly do.
Two days ago while up in a canyon in the Wasatch Mountains I was able to finally realize a personal goal while photographing Uinta Ground Squirrels.
American Coots are common birds and some folks might find them fairly plain but I like them and enjoy photographing them too.