Male Rough-legged Hawk Surveying The Foothills Of The Stansbury Mountains
It's been four years since I photographed this gorgeous male Rough-legged Hawk as he surveyed the foothills of the Stansbury Mountains in Utah's West Desert.
It's been four years since I photographed this gorgeous male Rough-legged Hawk as he surveyed the foothills of the Stansbury Mountains in Utah's West Desert.
Today, I'm sharing Wild Turkey images of foraging hens I found in the Stansbury Mountains of northern Utah because it's Thanksgiving Day. It was a lovely day.
After hiking down to Moonshiners Cave, Steve Creek and I took a quick trip over to Devil's Den State Park. I'm glad we went; the scenery was spectacular.
Yesterday morning, Steve Creek and I hiked into the Ozark Mountains to visit Moonshiners Cave. Steve had been there before, it was my first visit.
Last week, I went to Buffalo National River in Newton County with Steve Creek and his dog Rosie, and I was thrilled by the Elk and the gorgeous fall scenery.
Earlier this month, while camping at Mount Magazine State Park in Logan County, Arkansas, I had a blast seeing and photographing these White-tailed Deer does.
Today, I am sharing two photos and a short video clip of a female Eastern Gray Squirrel as she gathered leaves for her drey at Mount Magazine State Park.
While at Mount Magazine State Park in Arkansas two days ago, I photographed a White-tailed Deer doe biting her own derrière, which made me laugh out loud.
Over the weekend, I read on Facebook that Tree Swallows have migrated back into Northern Utah for their breeding season. I am so excited about that news!
Two days ago, while I was photographing some Rock Squirrels, I saw a beautiful immature Cooper's Hawk fly in and land in a tangle of trees near the squirrels.
Today is March 9th, and it is Utah's Swan Day 2024! The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge auto tour loop is a terrific place to see these lovely white swans.
While I was at Farmington Bay WMA two days ago, I heard and saw my first Sandhill Crane of the year. The calling crane was in flight, way off in the distance.
This Bald Eagle photo isn't my best image of this species, and that is alright with me. I took the photo five days ago on the auto tour loop at Bear River MBR.
After photographing two unexpected female Merlins two days ago, beautiful wispy clouds dancing in front of the Wasatch Mountains caught my attention.
Today is World Wetlands Day, and we need to protect and preserve our wetlands. Wetlands provide a wide range of ecological, economic, and social benefits.
On January 30th, I spent my morning seeking refuge at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. Mother Nature supplied the refuge I sought with grand, gorgeous views.
Yesterday morning, I was surprised to find Great Blue Herons already at the nests of the rookery at Farmington Bay WMA. There were more than twenty herons.
There were swirling clouds enveloping some of the snow-covered peaks of the Wasatch Mountains yesterday morning. I felt simply compelled to take a few photos.
While looking for a photo to share this morning I found this immature Rough-legged Hawk on a No Swimming Sign with the snowy Wasatch Mountains in the background.
Yesterday afternoon, I drove down to my local pond, hoping that I could see the snowy Wasatch Mountain peaks through the clouds. This was about the best view I got.
Both of these photos show the same tree on Goose Egg Island at Farmington Bay WMA. The images were taken in December of 2022 and 2013.
I look forward to the Winter Solstice each year because it marks when the days start getting longer. On this day, I celebrate Mother Nature and our Mother Earth.
My subject today is about bird talk: American White Pelicans, my friend Adonis, and his recent first trip back East, and to the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
Four years ago today, I found this gorgeous dark morph Ferruginous Hawk perched on a juniper fence post in the West Desert. I spotted it from about a mile away.
Yesterday morning, I could tell there was going to be some vibrant color in the sunrise over the Wasatch Mountains, so I drove down to my local pond to take photos.
On at least my last three trips up to Bear River MBR, I have found a Common Raven pair in the same general area of the north side of the auto tour route.
Now is a great time to see and hear Tundra Swans from the marshes at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. I saw several large flocks of them yesterday from there.
On this fall morning, I'm sharing three American White Pelican images from Bear River MBR taken earlier this week and a bonus flock photo from last year.
I took a few long distance photos of this Red-tailed Hawk at Farmington Bay WMA because of the fall colors in the Wasatch Mountains in the background.
Little did I know that on my last trip up into the Wasatch Mountains, that I would witness a battle between a Belted Kingfisher and my first-of-season Merlin.