White-tailed Deer Doe On A Misty Spring Morning
When I saw this White-tailed Deer doe at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge standing at the forest edge with mist behind her, I couldn't resist taking her photo.
When I saw this White-tailed Deer doe at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge standing at the forest edge with mist behind her, I couldn't resist taking her photo.
I'm keeping it simple today since I shared two posts yesterday. I photographed this Barred Owl two days ago at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
During the snowstorm earlier this month here in Arkansas, I didn't just photograph birds in the snow, I also took a few photos of Fox Squirrels in the snow too.
Earlier this month, during a snowstorm here in Arkansas, I felt fortunate to photograph a male House Finch while the snow was still falling.
Yesterday, I took lots of Fox Sparrow photos, and by doing so, I conquered a nemesis. I've had so much trouble getting Fox Sparrow images that I actually like.
Yesterday morning, I enjoyed taking several photos of a Carolina Chickadee while it was still very cold. These late fall mornings have been brisk lately.
Temps have dropped here in Arkansas, and it was chilly when I photographed this Myrtle Yellow-rumped Warbler yesterday morning as they perched above a feeder.
My recent trip to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma didn’t result in many bird photos, but it did gift me with some foggy scenery images.
Yesterday morning, I photographed my first American Goldfinch here in Arkansas. The beautiful goldfinch unexpectedly landed over the feeder and surprised me.
Last week I had my first American Pipit sighting at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. There were quite a few pipits in plowed fields on both sides of the road.
Today, I'm sharing a view and video of Charleston Lake shrouded in fog, with a Bald Eagle perched high in a tree. It was a beautiful start to the morning.
This morning, I am focused on sharing three Pine Warbler photos taken early yesterday. Each of the three Pine Warblers were on very different perches.
Recently, I photographed my first Spotted Orbweaver spiders in Arkansas. I used to photograph one of their relatives, the Western Spotted Orbweaver, in Utah.
I was enjoying my coffee outside yesterday morning when I spotted this Three-toed Box Turtle walking through the dew-covered grasses. Yes, I had to take photos.
Early yesterday morning, I had a handsome male Ruby-throated Hummingbird in my viewfinder. Suddenly, another hummingbird flew in, putting him on high alert.
I wandered around Tishomingo Wildlife Management Unit yesterday morning. It was gorgeous and peaceful! I know I will go back to explore it again soon.
Yesterday, there was a foggy start to a morning of bird and wildlife photography at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. I really didn't mind the fog much at all.
Three years ago today, I spotted a Marsh Wren in the marsh of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge and stopped to take photos of the wren singing out in the open.
Today, I am sharing two Cedar Waxwing photos that I took last April during a spring snowstorm. I found this waxwing in a tree next to the Jordan River Trail.
Earlier this week I stopped to take a video of a singing male Yellow-headed Blackbird on the auto tour loop of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. I'm glad I did.
I was serenaded by this Song Sparrow yesterday on the rut-filled road at Farmington Bay WMA. It might seem odd, but this bird reminded me of my youngest son.
This male Great-tailed Grackle caught my eye two days ago at one of my local ponds because he was displaying on a red-roofed cupola against a bright blue sky.
This morning, I'm sharing a male Belted Kingfisher photo that I took one year ago today. I was photographing ducks at one of my local ponds when he flew in.
I was thrilled to find and photograph a handsome drake Northern Pintail out on the auto tour loop of Bear River MBR on New Year's Day morning.
I didn't photograph many birds at Bear River MBR yesterday because it was windy. I did take photos of this handsome Western Meadowlark at the refuge though.
Yesterday morning, I could tell there was going to be some vibrant color in the sunrise over the Wasatch Mountains, so I drove down to my local pond to take photos.
Today, I am sharing a few images of an incredible shelf cloud over Bear River MBR that I was thrilled to see and photograph yesterday morning.
My second gobsmack in a week occurred when I spotted a stunning leucistic Song Sparrow while driving slowly along the road at Farmington Bay WMA two days ago.
I was thoroughly delighted to capture several late summer Barn Swallow photos during my last trip to the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. I was truly thrilled.
Yesterday morning, at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, the first bird I photographed was an adult American White Pelican in early morning golden light.