My Christmas Nerdy Birdy Elf On The Shelf Style Photos
For eighteen days, I've been having fun creating nerdy birdy Elf on the Shelf-style photos and sharing them on Facebook, where people enjoyed those images.
For eighteen days, I've been having fun creating nerdy birdy Elf on the Shelf-style photos and sharing them on Facebook, where people enjoyed those images.
The theme for today is blue subjects: Photos of a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher on a driftwood perch, along with a Blue Supermoon image from early yesterday morning.
When I took this Common Nighthawk photo on my last trip up to Tishomingo NWR I lined up the shot to have the moon behind the bird on purpose.
On January 30th, I spent my morning seeking refuge at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. Mother Nature supplied the refuge I sought with grand, gorgeous views.
I woke up this morning and my computer doesn't want to boot.
Today I wanted to share these photos of some West Desert views of clouds, mountains, and the moon because I'd like to be out there seeing and photographing them all.
I don't know how many times I have said "expect the unexpected" since I began photographing birds while talking to fellow photographers.
Further down the road I spotted a dark lump on the shoulder and my heart sank because I immediately realized that the lump was a deceased Golden Eagle.
Looking back over the last 20 years of my life I can see many times where I threw off the bowlines and sailed away from safe harbor.
I too have nestled lovingly into this world and climbed its mountains, roamed its forests and sailed its waters.
Yesterday while in the West Desert in Tooele County the cirrus clouds appealed to me that fanned out over the Stansbury Mountains.
I photograph tons of male Horned Larks but don't have that many images of female Horned Larks, I was happy to find this beautiful female dancing and singing on a boulder in early morning light yesterday in Tooele County, Utah.