White-tailed Deer On The Run
This morning, I’m sharing an image of White-tailed Deer on the run at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge because it shows the bottomland hardwood forest habitat.
This morning, I’m sharing an image of White-tailed Deer on the run at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge because it shows the bottomland hardwood forest habitat.
Two years ago, I shared a Coyote photo on Facebook to celebrate National Coyote Day. I love Coyotes and wanted to bring awareness to a day that celebrates them.
These photos of a Baird's Pocket Gopher mark only the second time I've had this rodent species in my viewfinder—once in Oklahoma and now in Arkansas.
World Wildlife Day 2025 is a reminder that all wildlife matters. American Bison are a success story, but every species we save today will matter tomorrow.
When a frosty morning at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma starts with a Bobcat and deer nearby, you just know it’s going to be an awesome day!
Some photos I share because they make me laugh, and lately, I've needed to laugh a lot. This White-tailed Deer doe giving me the stink eye does just that.
On my first visit to Oklahoma's Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, I saw and photographed quite a few White-tailed Deer, including this buck.
The largest mammals I saw at the Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in Oklahoma were herds upon herds of American Bison. There were so many bison!
I was thrilled to see and photograph a Nine-banded Armadillo last week at Osage Hills State Park in Oklahoma. The last time I photographed one was in Florida.
It was our second day exploring the Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve when I spotted a pair of ears in the grasses—they belonged to this Coyote.
Yesterday, I was delighted to see and thrilled to photograph a young Swamp Rabbit not long after sunrise, from the deck of my dear friend Steve Creek's garden.
I had an excellent adventure yesterday morning with Steve Creek and his dog, Rosie, photographing the Elk at Buffalo National River in Boxley Valley, Arkansas.
Seeing and photographing this unusual pale young Raccoon was one of the highlights of my morning at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. The Raccoon was lovely.
Today, I am sharing two photos and a short video clip of a female Eastern Gray Squirrel as she gathered leaves for her drey at Mount Magazine State Park.
I've been meaning to share this Raccoon photo since April. This image was taken on my second trip to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma this spring.
Because of cloudy then scorching hot weather, I didn't get out to photograph yesterday morning. But the day before, I focused on a Fox Squirrel eating acorns.
Incoming cute alert! This morning, I felt like sharing some adorable White-tailed Deer fawn photos I took at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge two days ago.
Yesterday, there was some excitement at the refuge. Steve Creek and I photographed a Bobcat and Coyote showdown, and then we followed the Coyote.
Some days are pure magic. Two days ago, at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma, this Coyote pup made the day as magical as it could be and more.
Yesterday morning, I took my first Bobcat photos at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, thanks to my dear friend Steve Creek letting me know where it was.
On one of my recent trips to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, I had the pleasure of photographing a White-tailed Deer doe as she grazed in a cut wheat field.
Earlier this month, I was sitting on the steps enjoying the sunshine and the birds singing when, all of a sudden, I spotted a Baird's Pocket Gopher in the yard.
Yesterday morning, I had a wonderful surprise when an American beaver surfaced close to the Sandy Creek Bridge at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge.
This Swamp Rabbit photo is from my second visit to Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge. I was on a gravel road as far as I could go before turning around when I saw it.
I took these photos of a Fox Squirrel when the squirrel came in to enjoy a nice drink of water at my friend Steve's Creek's bird bath in his yard in Arkansas.
I simply could not allow any more time to go by without posting an image of this sweet young Eastern Cottontail I photographed in my friend Steve Creek's yard.
Yesterday morning, I took my lifer Swamp Rabbit photos at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge after my dear friend Steve Creek pointed the rabbit out to me.
Yesterday, there was a foggy start to a morning of bird and wildlife photography at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. I really didn't mind the fog much at all.
Bad weather and bad timing have kept me out of the field for a bit. Today, I am sharing some cute Red Fox kit photos I took almost a year after I moved to Utah.
Every March 3, the world comes together to honor World Wildlife Day, a global occasion that pays tribute to the astounding array of life inhabiting our planet.