Young Male Common Yellowthroat
On Monday morning, while I was driving the auto tour route at Bear River MBR a young male Common Yellowthroat popped into an open area in some rushes.
On Monday morning, while I was driving the auto tour route at Bear River MBR a young male Common Yellowthroat popped into an open area in some rushes.
As I took these Yellow Warbler photos earlier this week in the mountains I realized that my time with these bright birds is coming to an end for the season.
While up in the mountains yesterday morning I was thrilled to take a series of female and male Sandhill Crane portraits as they fed in a pasture next to the road.
I was happy to have this male American Goldfinch perched with ripe serviceberries in front of him for a few moments yesterday high in the mountains.
This morning I wanted to share three male Yellow Warbler photos that I took yesterday morning in a Morgan County canyon.
Earlier this week my last subject of the morning was a female Eight-spotted Skimmer dragonfly that landed in front of me next to a creek in the mountains.
Two mornings ago I spent a few moments taking female and male Yellow Warbler images that were in a willow thicket next to a creek high in the mountains.
I shared so many images yesterday that today I am keeping it simple with one image of a Lazuli Bunting male I photographed high in the Wasatch Mountains last week.
Late last week I headed up into the Wasatch Mountains to look for birds in cooler temps and had a great time photographing two bunting species before 8 am.
Until two days ago I had never gotten photos of a juvenile Green-tailed and young Spotted Towhee in the same frame so I was thrilled when I saw them fly in.
Today I am keeping my post short and simple with a male American Goldfinch in his breeding plumage perched high above a Wasatch Mountain creek.
Last week while up in the mountains on two separate mornings I was able to take some adult male Yellow Warbler photos at the same willow thicket.
A few days ago I spotted a male Brewer's Blackbird bathing in the cool, shallow water of an alpine creek and moved towards him to take a few photos.
Yesterday while photographing a singing male Black-headed Grosbeak I heard a splash in the creek I was sitting next to and a bull Moose dropped into my view.
This morning I wanted to share some photos of the birds and blooms that I took images of one morning last week while I was high in the Wasatch Mountains.
I thought I would share a few photos of a adult male Broad-tailed Hummingbird I took high in the Wasatch Mountains last week as he flashed his gorget.
Three days ago when I wasn't photographing a Broad-tailed Hummingbird I took male Yellow and MacGillivray's Warbler photos as they chased each other around.
This male Broad-tailed Hummingbird showing his colorful gorget was just one of many highlights of my morning yesterday spent with a dear friend high in the mountains.
Yesterday morning I had a blast photographing a male Black-chinned Hummingbird high in the Wasatch Mountains even though the light was horrible.
Last week while I was high in the Wasatch Mountains I was able to take female and male Barn Swallow photos as they perched on a fence next to a creek.
I took my first of year male Belted Kingfisher portrait photos three days ago high in the Wasatch Mountains when this bird flew in close to me.
I was delighted to observe, hear and photograph a beautiful Green-tailed Towhee singing from a treetop two days ago high in the Wasatch Mountains.
This morning I am sharing three simple Mourning Dove images that I took two days ago out in the sky island mountains of Utah's West Desert.
Yesterday morning I spent time photographing a female Western Tanager perched on a juniper in a canyon out in the sky island mountains of the West Desert of Utah.
While I photographed hummingbirds last week high in the Wasatch Mountains I also took images of an adult male woodland Coyote watching me watching him.
Today is special day here at On The Wing Photography because it marks my 4000th post AND it is also my Mom's 90th Birthday!
I was thrilled to find and photograph a male Blue-gray Gnatcatcher in spring breeding plumage yesterday at the edge of a juniper woodland in Tooele County.
It is always lovely to have a male Mountain Bluebird like this one I found in the West Desert in my viewfinder because they rival the color of the sky overhead.
Yesterday morning I was excited to spot a bull Moose bedded down and nearly hidden from view while I was up in Morgan County high in the Wasatch Mountains.
I had a bit of fun taking female and male Yellow Warbler photos yesterday in the high country of the Wasatch Mountain Range on a bright sunny morning.