Cabbage White Butterfly Photos
This morning, I'm sharing a few photos of male Cabbage White butterflies and Common Sunflowers that I took last Sunday at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
This morning, I'm sharing a few photos of male Cabbage White butterflies and Common Sunflowers that I took last Sunday at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
When I last visited Farmington Bay WMA, I found flights of Variegated Meadowhawk dragonflies on the wing and resting, near and on Goose Egg Island.
Yesterday at Farmington Bay WMA, the first bird I saw through my viewfinder was a male Mourning Dove perched on a boulder, bathed in soft, warm morning light.
Yesterday, my window was open. It was a rainy, dreary day, and I found myself inexplicably feeling down. I heard the distinctive calls of a Downy Woodpecker.
One year ago today, I photographed this male Black-necked Stilt from the north side of the auto tour route at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
I've been meaning to share these images taken on a June day spent with my dear friend Steve Creek from Mount Magazine State Park in Arkansas for weeks.
When I photographed this male Yellow Warbler yesterday morning in the high Wasatch Mountains, I was in the great company of my dear friend, April Olson.
This morning, I'm sharing a photo of a White-breasted Nuthatch taken in June from my friend Steve Creek's wonderfully bird-filled yard in Arkansas.
This raggedy male Spotted Towhee photo, taken in Morgan County, Utah, two years ago, made me smile when I came across it in my file archives a few days ago.
I thought this young male Downy Woodpecker, with bits of suet on his bill, was a striking bird, and that's why I decided to share this photo today.
When I photographed this male House Sparrow in Arkansas, I wasn't thinking about how people love to hate this species. I was simply taking photos of a bird.
On my first trip to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge I was delighted to take a series of photos of a White-tailed Deer buck in velvet crossing a gravel road.
I don't find cardinals in northern Utah, so I was super excited to take a few male Northern Cardinal photos while I was in Arkansas with my friend Steve Creek.
Today is a milestone day for me. I'm celebrating the fact that I have shared 3000 daily posts here at On The Wing Photography in a row.
Today's post is about American Lotus, dragonflies, and the rich habitat of Reeve's Slough at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in northeastern Oklahoma.
Today, I am tickled to share three male Common Grackle photos. I took these images in my friend Steve Creek's yard during my visit to Arkansas last month.
Today, I am sharing three Common Five-lined Skink photos that I took at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma when I visited my friend Steve Creek.
Last month, while visiting Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma, I was able to take quite a few female and male Common Whitetail dragonfly photos.
When I photographed this immature Downy Woodpecker yesterday in my friend Steve's yard I didn't think I'd get two photos with its tongue sticking out. But I did!
I'm thrilled with the photos I took of a male Indigo Bunting at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma yesterday morning near the Arkansas River.
The subject today is my lifer Dickcissel photos taken at Sequoyah NWR in Oklahoma. Huge thanks go to my friend Steve for putting me on this male.
Today I'm sharing a close up photo of a young Red-bellied Woodpecker with an adult taken in my good friend Steve Creek's yard at a feeder.
A brief post this morning about a fluffed up male Black-chinned Hummingbird photographed in Morgan County high up in the Wasatch Mountains.
I meant to share this photo of a Drake Redhead diving weeks ago, but when the loons arrived at my local pond, I completely forgot that I had processed it.
Last month, I was thrilled to photograph this displaying male Yellow-headed Blackbird in an urban park near my home in Salt Lake County, Utah.
Last month, when I took this photo of a male Ruddy Duck shaking at my local pond, I liked the way the light illuminated the lower part of his wings.
The last time I went up to Bear River MBR, I photographed this male Red-winged Blackbird crooner singing loud and strong.
The heavy snowpack is still making it impossible for me to get into the mountains to photograph birds like this male American Goldfinch in breeding plumage.
This morning I am sharing two springtime portraits that I took last week at Bear River MBR. The first is a Western Grebe, the second, an American Avocet.
While I was at my local pond yesterday, a male Yellow-headed Blackbird flew in close enough to me that I was able to take a few portraits of him.