Male Northern Cardinal Photos
I've been wanting to share a few more of the male Northern Cardinal photos I took from my friend Steve Creek's deck in his very birdy yard and garden.
I've been wanting to share a few more of the male Northern Cardinal photos I took from my friend Steve Creek's deck in his very birdy yard and garden.
Some of my images simply make me laugh out loud. This male Eastern Bluebird photo did that because it looks like the bird is levitating over Steve Creek's yard.
This image shows a male Indigo Bunting singing on a wild grapevine in the morning. It was taken taken earlier this week at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
Today, I am sharing a few of the Red-bellied Woodpecker portraits I've taken in my friend and fellow photographer Steve Creek's amazing birdy yard in Arkansas.
In a previous post, I showed some of the food a male Eastern Bluebird brought in to feed his chicks. This crane fly prey had Steve and me scratching our heads.
This morning, I wanted to share a small selection of White-breasted Nuthatch photos I have taken since I arrived at my friend Steve Creek's home in Arkansas.
This Rose-breasted Grosbeak that I photographed in Steve Creek's yard, isn't a lifer for me, but these images are the best I have taken so far of this species.
It started off rainy yesterday morning, but later on, I was delighted to take images of female and male Downy Woodpeckers from the comfort of Steve's deck.
Steve and I have some sad news today: the mama Eastern Bluebird at Steve's nest box is no more. The last time we saw her at the nest box was Sunday evening.
Today, I am sharing Pine Warbler photos that I have taken on three different days here in Arkansas. Until recently, these warblers have been a nemesis for me.
Today, I am sharing portraits of a male Eastern Bluebird that were taken in my friend Steve Creek's yard. The male bluebird was bringing food in to his chicks.
Three days ago, my friend Steve Creek and I had an amazing experience with a mated pair of Barred Owls next to a road at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
Hello from my friend Steve Creek's amazing bird-filled yard in Arkansas, where I photographed this striking male Northern Cardinal from his deck yesterday.
This Gadwall photo from last spring is the photo I decided to share this morning. It was taken at my local pond where the multicolored reflections appeal to me.
On this chilly spring morning, I am sharing a curbside Mourning Dove that I photographed at one of my local parks three days ago, when it was warmer.
On April Fool's Day of 2022, I was up in far northern Utah where I spotted this adult male Yellow-bellied Marmot warming up in the morning sun on a cliff.
This drake Northern Shoveler swam past me on my last trip up to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. I couldn't resist taking photos of him. Why would I want to?
The last time I drove up to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, I was delighted to have this drake Gadwall in my viewfinder on the last leg of the auto tour loop.
Over the weekend, I read on Facebook that Tree Swallows have migrated back into Northern Utah for their breeding season. I am so excited about that news!
Earlier this week I stopped to take a video of a singing male Yellow-headed Blackbird on the auto tour loop of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. I'm glad I did.
When I took this photo of a male Great-tailed Grackle, I wondered what the grackle was looking at so intently. The grackle even seemed disturbed by what it could see.
If I could, I would wish that everyone, at least once in their lifetime, could visit a Greater Sage-Grouse lek while these fascinating birds are displaying.
One week ago, my ears were delighted to hear this male Red-winged Blackbird singing and calling on the marsh at Farmington Bay WMA. His display was mesmerizing.
When I took this photo of two drake Common Goldeneyes at Bear River MBR almost two years ago, I was laughing as I hit my shutter button. I couldn't help myself.
I dug way back into my files this morning to share this urban Red-winged Blackbird male singing. The date was February 23, 2014, the location was my local pond.
It is almost the end of February and I'm wondering what happened to winter this year in the Salt Lake Valley. Has winter gone on walkabout? Where is the snow?
This male Great-tailed Grackle caught my eye two days ago at one of my local ponds because he was displaying on a red-roofed cupola against a bright blue sky.
This morning I'm sharing a photo of an American Bison that appeared to be whispering secrets to another bison that I photographed on Antelope Island State Park.
Seven days ago I found a Ring-necked Duck and an odd Lesser Scaup drake at my local pond. The scaup puzzled me and I wondered if he might be a hybrid.
I've been paying a lot of attention to a drake Ruddy Duck at my local pond because he has gone into breeding plumage earlier than is normal for this species.