Elk At Buffalo National River Plus A Video Clip
I had an excellent adventure yesterday morning with Steve Creek and his dog, Rosie, photographing the Elk at Buffalo National River in Boxley Valley, Arkansas.
I had an excellent adventure yesterday morning with Steve Creek and his dog, Rosie, photographing the Elk at Buffalo National River in Boxley Valley, Arkansas.
If I hadn’t been focused on photographing insects two days ago, I wouldn’t be able to share these photos of female and male Eastern Carpenter Bees.
On the same day I photographed the young Northern Mockingbird I shared yesterday, I also had a striking male Eastern Bluebird in my viewfinder for a little bit.
It has been quite the spring and summer for me. Part of the reason is seeing three broods of bluebirds. This hatch-year Eastern Bluebird might be one of them.
I was focused on a bathing robin when, with my wandering eyes, I spotted a Northern Parula perched next to the bird bath yesterday. I was thoroughly delighted.
During a light rainstorm yesterday, I sat outside and photographed a young male Ruby-throated Hummingbird dodging raindrops. He sure seemed to enjoy the rain.
I'm really very excited to share photos and a video clip of a young male Ruby-throated Hummingbird that I focused on for quite some time yesterday morning.
I almost forgot to share this photo of a young male House Finch in molt. By the end of August, he was starting to get his more colorful chest and head feathers.
Happy Sunday! Today I am sharing one Red-bellied Woodpecker male up close photo that I took two days ago just because I like the image of the woodpecker.
Two days ago, I was happy to photograph an adult male Ruby-throated Hummingbird chirping. The male was reacting to another hummingbird near 'his' feeder.
While I photographed this young Northern Cardinal that is molting, I had to chuckle to myself. I know he looks messy, but he also seems kind of endearing to me.
Early yesterday morning, I had a handsome male Ruby-throated Hummingbird in my viewfinder. Suddenly, another hummingbird flew in, putting him on high alert.
Because of cloudy then scorching hot weather, I didn't get out to photograph yesterday morning. But the day before, I focused on a Fox Squirrel eating acorns.
I finally have male Ruby-throated Hummingbird photos that I am happy with. It's about time, isn't it? He isn't a lifer; I've photographed this species before.
Yesterday morning, the Eastern Bluebird in Steve Creek's third brood fledged. We sat for hours on his deck, waiting for the one chick to leave the nest box.
I'm sharing these seven Eastern Bluebird images that I took yesterday because I like them and because I am getting behind on sharing Arkansas photos.
Yesterday, I took Common Eastern Velvet Ant images in Steve Creek's yard after seeing one of them on what I believe are Dusty Miller plants in his garden.
I'm a bird photographer who sometimes can't resist photographing other things with wings which includes this male Blue Dasher dragonfly I saw yesterday morning.
I took photos of Slaty Skimmer dragonflies the other day at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma and wanted to share them with you all.
Today, I am sharing an image of an adult male Pine Warbler photographed in Arkansas. I enjoy viewing the photo because of the contrasting sunlight and shadows.
One of the birds I spotted and photographed on my last trip to Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge was this male Indigo Bunting in the shadows of the leaves.
I was very happy to find about a dozen and a half White-tailed Deer to photograph on my last visit to Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge earlier this week on a bright sunny morning.
On my third visit to Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge I was thrilled to spot a male Red-bellied Woodpecker inside of a nesting cavity.
I finally took a few photos of a perched male Painted Bunting that I am happy with at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge two days ago.
I am sharing a few House Sparrow photos that were taken while I was staying with my dear friend, Steve Creek, in Arkansas. The photos were taken from his deck.
Even though they are abundant in Arkansas and Oklahoma, I can't seem to see or take enough Northern Cardinal images. I sure missed them when I lived in Utah.
I've been enjoying taking photos of Dickcissels at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge since I arrived in Oklahoma. Hearing them sing has also been a joy.
Before I left Arkansas, I had the privilege of seeing and photographing this male Eastern Bluebird teaching his young fledglings where to find food.
Today, I am sharing more Red-bellied Woodpecker photos that I took while visiting my friend Steve Creek and his dog Rosie in his birdy Arkansas yard and garden.
Yesterday, I was thrilled to see my first sunrise at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma and to take my first Orchard Oriole images from there too.