Winter Common Grackle Images In Snow And Fog And Bright Light
Today, I'm sharing two very different winter Common Grackle images. One photo was taken on a snowy, foggy morning, and the other on a bright, sunny afternoon.
Today, I'm sharing two very different winter Common Grackle images. One photo was taken on a snowy, foggy morning, and the other on a bright, sunny afternoon.
This morning, I'm sharing images of a male Northern Cardinal taken in the same oak tree here in Arkansas during different seasons: spring and winter.
I finally have Virginia Opossum photos that I feel are good enough to share! These "possum" images were taken yesterday at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
My recent trip to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma didn’t result in many bird photos, but it did gift me with some foggy scenery images.
I was about to give up on bird photography for the morning yesterday when a gorgeous immature Summer Tanager flew in and landed in a pear tree.
Today, I am sharing two photos and a short video clip of a female Eastern Gray Squirrel as she gathered leaves for her drey at Mount Magazine State Park.
I've been meaning to share this Raccoon photo since April. This image was taken on my second trip to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma this spring.
On the Fourth of July, I was delighted to photograph an immature Black Vulture shortly after sunrise at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
I was especially thrilled to photograph young Barred Owls yesterday at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. There were two of them hanging out in some willows.
I took photos of Slaty Skimmer dragonflies the other day at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma and wanted to share them with you all.
In addition to getting Mississippi Kite images I liked on my last visit to Tishomingo NWR, I finally took some Yellow-billed Cuckoo photos that I enjoy too.
One of the birds I spotted and photographed on my last trip to Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge was this male Indigo Bunting in the shadows of the leaves.
Yesterday morning, I had a wonderful surprise when an American beaver surfaced close to the Sandy Creek Bridge at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge.
I was very happy to find about a dozen and a half White-tailed Deer to photograph on my last visit to Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge earlier this week on a bright sunny morning.
Even though they are abundant in Arkansas and Oklahoma, I can't seem to see or take enough Northern Cardinal images. I sure missed them when I lived in Utah.
I've been enjoying taking photos of Dickcissels at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge since I arrived in Oklahoma. Hearing them sing has also been a joy.
Two days ago, I photographed my first Common Nighthawk in Oklahoma at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge. I found three nighthawks there in the trees in total.
I wandered around Tishomingo Wildlife Management Unit yesterday morning. It was gorgeous and peaceful! I know I will go back to explore it again soon.
My mom would have been 92 today. I miss her terribly, but she is with me in so many ways. She was also with me when I went to Tishomingo NWR last Saturday.
Last week, I was thrilled to take my first Black Vulture photos at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge, and some were portraits of the vultures that I found.
I've been wanting to share a few more of the male Northern Cardinal photos I took from my friend Steve Creek's deck in his very birdy yard and garden.
It has been nine years, and I've created 3,288 consecutive daily posts. Who knows how many words or images I have shared in that time? I honestly have no idea!
Steve and I have some sad news today: the mama Eastern Bluebird at Steve's nest box is no more. The last time we saw her at the nest box was Sunday evening.
I took this Great Egret photo yesterday at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Even with the morning mist, I could tell something fluffy was stuck on its bill.
Three days ago, my friend Steve Creek and I had an amazing experience with a mated pair of Barred Owls next to a road at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
Hello from my friend Steve Creek's amazing bird-filled yard in Arkansas, where I photographed this striking male Northern Cardinal from his deck yesterday.
Since spring's arrival, people will be spending time outdoors, and more people will be seeing rats in their yards and gardens. Owls eat rats and other rodents.
I photographed these White-tailed Deer does with a fawn last June at Reeve's Slough, which is part of Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
In 2024, the common name for Townsend's Solitaire will change, along with many other bird names. My recommendation would be to rename it the Juniper Solitaire.
A few days ago in the Wasatch Mountains, I had this Chipping Sparrow in my viewfinder long enough to only take 10 images. I liked this photo the most.