Immature White-throated Sparrow At Miner’s Cove
For the first time ever, two days ago, I took a photo at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma of an immature White-throated Sparrow that I actually liked.
For the first time ever, two days ago, I took a photo at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma of an immature White-throated Sparrow that I actually liked.
On my most recent trip to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, I photographed an immature male Red-winged Blackbird perched on a corn stalk in a field.
While I was at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma yesterday, Steve Creek and I went for a walk, and I photographed these two Black Vultures.
Two days ago, I was lucky enough to photograph an uncommon visitor to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge—an immature Sandhill Crane I spotted in a field.
I honestly don’t know why I’ve never shared this photo of a young male Northern Harrier lifting off from the ground at Farmington Bay WMA in Utah until now.
Today, I'm sharing a cute—but very wet—Coyote Pup I photographed last July at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
I was over the moon when I saw and photographed a first-winter Harris's Sparrow in a snowstorm yesterday. I’ve waited years and years to take these photos.
I'm delighted to share two Double-crested Cormorant images that I took yesterday at Charleston Lake Park. Both photos show the same bird swimming on the lake.
Today, I'm sharing a simple Northern Mockingbird photo along with a video I took last month in Arkansas. I'm glad these birds are year-round residents here.
Blizzards of Snow Geese have arrived at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge! I’m so excited about all of the Snow Geese that I can barely contain myself. Wow!
Yesterday, I was delighted to see and thrilled to photograph a young Swamp Rabbit not long after sunrise, from the deck of my dear friend Steve Creek's garden.
While I was outside yesterday, I watched and photographed a young Fox Squirrel slowly climb down from an oak tree and run across a thick layer of pine straw.
Today, I’m sharing two hatch year Northern Mockingbird photos taken just forty-one minutes apart yesterday, each showing off a very different look and vibe.
I had an excellent adventure yesterday morning with Steve Creek and his dog, Rosie, photographing the Elk at Buffalo National River in Boxley Valley, Arkansas.
When I photographed this immature Eastern Bluebird three days ago, I imagined she had a question for me: "Hey, it's October. When is it going to cool down?"
When this hatch year Northern Mockingbird flew into the birdbath two days ago, I was ready to photograph her or him as soon as they landed on it.
I was about to give up on bird photography for the morning yesterday when a gorgeous immature Summer Tanager flew in and landed in a pear tree.
This morning I'm sharing a simple hovering Ruby-throated Hummingbird photo. I took the image yesterday because I had a camera in my hand.
Several weeks ago, I shared images of a young male cardinal. Today, I thought it was about time to put an immature female Northern Cardinal in the spotlight.
It has been quite the spring and summer for me. Part of the reason is seeing three broods of bluebirds. This hatch-year Eastern Bluebird might be one of them.
During a light rainstorm yesterday, I sat outside and photographed a young male Ruby-throated Hummingbird dodging raindrops. He sure seemed to enjoy the rain.
I'm really very excited to share photos and a video clip of a young male Ruby-throated Hummingbird that I focused on for quite some time yesterday morning.
I almost forgot to share this photo of a young male House Finch in molt. By the end of August, he was starting to get his more colorful chest and head feathers.
Seeing and photographing an immature Pine Warbler yesterday morning made me smile. I was standing up when I saw the young warbler land on a vine in good light.
This morning, I'm sharing two photos of a young Red-bellied Woodpecker that I photographed two days ago. I'm so very delighted to be seeing this species again.
There was a surprise visitor at my friend Steve Creek's bird bath yesterday—it was a gorgeous young Painted Bunting that decided to spend some time in his yard.
When I had this young Blue Jay in my viewfinder, I could clearly see that it was immature. The pin feathers and new growth told me everything I needed to know.
While I photographed this young Northern Cardinal that is molting, I had to chuckle to myself. I know he looks messy, but he also seems kind of endearing to me.
The Pine Warblers hadn't been around in a while, but they have come back, so I was excited and delighted to take immature Pine Warbler photos three days ago.
Seeing and photographing this unusual pale young Raccoon was one of the highlights of my morning at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. The Raccoon was lovely.