National Coyote Day – Revisiting A Two Year Old Facebook Post
Two years ago, I shared a Coyote photo on Facebook to celebrate National Coyote Day. I love Coyotes and wanted to bring awareness to a day that celebrates them.
Two years ago, I shared a Coyote photo on Facebook to celebrate National Coyote Day. I love Coyotes and wanted to bring awareness to a day that celebrates them.
Yesterday, Steve Creek and I found a Striped Skunk in a field at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, and we both jumped out of his truck to take photos.
It's about time for me to share a few Robber Fly images that were taken at the end of July while walking the side roads of Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
While I was at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge on Sunday, I took lifer Flag-tailed Spinyleg dragonfly images while walking a road with my friend Steve Creek.
Even though I used to see Red Admiral butterflies in Utah, I am still excited to see so many of this butterfly species here in Oklahoma and in Texas too.
The first bird I photographed yesterday morning at Bear River MBR was this Killdeer in soft morning light. Truthfully, I am glad my first bird was a Killdeer.
Last Monday I took my first autumn American Pipit photos of 2023 while I was on the auto tour loop at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. I was so happy.
Two days ago I was able to photograph a Green-tailed Towhee foraging next to a gravel road up in a Wasatch Mountain Canyon, getting these birds out in the open can be a challenge so I was excited that this towhee was in the clear.
I might need to go wandering up the canyons and Sky Line Drive soon just to see what birds and creatures I can find.