Blue Jay With Nesting Material In Arkansas
It has been wonderfully amazing for me to see and photograph eastern birds again, including this Blue Jay with nesting material in their bill here in Arkansas.
It has been wonderfully amazing for me to see and photograph eastern birds again, including this Blue Jay with nesting material in their bill here in Arkansas.
When I saw this White-tailed Deer doe at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge standing at the forest edge with mist behind her, I couldn't resist taking her photo.
Yesterday, Steve Creek and I found a Striped Skunk in a field at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, and we both jumped out of his truck to take photos.
This time of year, American Robins start to sing their dawn song about an hour before sunrise. Not just one American Robin—all of them in the neighborhood.
While I was at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma yesterday, Steve Creek and I went for a walk, and I photographed these two Black Vultures.
I've been meaning to share this Amber Snail photo since last summer. Today’s as good a day as any, so here it is. Pretty sure it’s an Amber Snail—though I could be wrong.
Over the past few months, I've been seeing fewer Eastern Cottontail rabbits, which led me down a momentary rabbit hole wondering if this rabbit species hibernates.
While at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge last week, I photographed more American Mistletoe in a one tree than I had ever seen before. The tree was full of it.
Two days ago, when I shared Huron Sachem skipper butterfly images I said I needed to identify another butterfly. That butterfly was a Clouded Skipper butterfly.
I was excited when an adult Brown Thrasher showed up yesterday and began moving toward me. I was already zoomed back a bit for the first few photos of the bird.
Bird activity was slow yesterday when this Spicebush Swallowtail flew in and landed on the grass nearby. I quickly stood up to photograph the swallowtail.
I couldn't resist photographing this fungi yesterday morning. I had noticed it beginning to grow out of the soil the night before. My camera was ready at dawn.
I was enjoying my coffee outside yesterday morning when I spotted this Three-toed Box Turtle walking through the dew-covered grasses. Yes, I had to take photos.
I took this cicada photo during my last visit to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma, where my friend Steve Creek pointed the cicada out to me.
Yesterday, when I shared the pale young Raccoon, I mentioned that I also photographed some butterflies at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Here they are!
I never thought I'd see an American Robin nesting in August, but I have. August in Arkansas should be too hot for robins to be nesting now. I guess it’s not.
Today's theme is green on green! These two Green Tree Frog images show different individual tree frogs, but both were on vibrant green grasses at Sequoyah NWR.
After I photographed the Ruby-throated Hummingbird I shared yesterday, I focused on a hatch year Red-bellied Woodpecker with some kind of prey in their bill.
Let's hop right into the photos I am sharing today! I took Differential and Two-striped Grasshopper images while walking around Sequoyah NWR with Steve Creek.
Yesterday morning, I took my lifer Western Ribbon Snake photos at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. These ribbon snakes are small, I almost missed spotting it!
Yesterday, there was some excitement at the refuge. Steve Creek and I photographed a Bobcat and Coyote showdown, and then we followed the Coyote.
I'm sticking with the green theme today. Earlier this morning, it was Green Heron images; now, it's itty bitty Green Tree Frog photos from Sequoyah NWR.
Yesterday morning, I took my first Bobcat photos at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, thanks to my dear friend Steve Creek letting me know where it was.
This young Eastern Bluebird is from the second brood in my friend Steve Creek's nest box in Arkansas this year. I took these bluebird photos two days ago.
Yesterday morning, I had a wonderful surprise when an American beaver surfaced close to the Sandy Creek Bridge at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge.
This Swamp Rabbit photo is from my second visit to Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge. I was on a gravel road as far as I could go before turning around when I saw it.
This morning, I am sharing a beautiful Common Buckeye butterfly that I photographed on the last day of April at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
I simply could not allow any more time to go by without posting an image of this sweet young Eastern Cottontail I photographed in my friend Steve Creek's yard.
I believe I made it to Arkansas just in time to photograph this migrating White-throated Sparrow. These sparrows spend the winter here but will soon head north.
A little birdie told me that they easily saw more than 60 turkey vultures flying over St. George two evenings ago. That birdie was my good friend April Olson.