My Christmas Nerdy Birdy Elf On The Shelf Style Photos
For eighteen days, I've been having fun creating nerdy birdy Elf on the Shelf-style photos and sharing them on Facebook, where people enjoyed those images.
For eighteen days, I've been having fun creating nerdy birdy Elf on the Shelf-style photos and sharing them on Facebook, where people enjoyed those images.
I was editing some images for a new project when I came across this photo of two Least Chipmunks side by side on a wooden post high in the Wasatch Mountains.
It looked to me like this Yellow-bellied Marmot pup was doing CrossFit, a move my son who is active in CrossFit tells me is called a "bar muscle up". By then I was laughing so hard that it was hard to maintain focus on the marmot pup while it was hanging there on the fence.
The funniest photo I took yesterday, the one that made me laugh out loud the hardest, was when a crayfish landed on the Pied-billed Grebe's head after the bird shook it hard.
I had fun photographing a male Belted Kingfisher at Farmington Bay as he caught prey and ate it on a post near a little creek.