Striking Gulf Fritillary Butterfly In Arkansas
It has been four days since I photographed this Gulf Fritillary butterfly, which was around the time I noticed my external hard drive was way too full.
It has been four days since I photographed this Gulf Fritillary butterfly, which was around the time I noticed my external hard drive was way too full.
This morning, I wanted to share a few more things with wings: a set of butterfly photos I took recently at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Today I am sharing three Variegated Fritillary butterfly photos that I took at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge when I visited my friend, Steve Creek, in June.
Earlier this week I did some West Desert wandering and while I was there I took some butterfly photos that clumps of blooming rabbitbrush had attracted.
This is a female Great Spangled Fritillary, a butterfly species that can be abundant in the Wasatch Mountains at this time of the year.
Last week I photographed a fritillary butterfly photobomb a Two-tailed Swallowtail butterfly as it nectared on a Showy Milkweed high in the Wasatch Mountains.
I'm confident in my North American bird ID abilities but when it comes to Fritillary butterfly species ID in the Wasatch Mountains I feel stymied a lot of the time.
Last week while I was up in a canyon in the Wasatch Mountains I spotted a female Great Spangled Fritillary butterfly nectaring on a Musk Thistle so I felt I had to take photos of she sipped the nectar of the flower.
I'm going to ask for help later on today from with the identification of this fritillary butterfly. I don't normally have to ask for identification assistance but I need it for this other thing with wings.