Smoky Sunrise At Sunnymede Trail Park
I went to a new area of Arkansas yesterday morning and explored Sunnymede Trail Park which is in Fort Smith on the banks of the Arkansas River with Steve Creek.
I went to a new area of Arkansas yesterday morning and explored Sunnymede Trail Park which is in Fort Smith on the banks of the Arkansas River with Steve Creek.
While I was at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge yesterday, I found serenity in the beautifully peaceful views the refuge offers in late winter.
Late last month, while at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, I spotted a nearly hidden Great Horned Owl perched in a tangle of branches in the woods.
Just before I photographed a winter Bobcat four days ago at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, I also took photos of a frosty White-tailed Deer doe in the same spot.
When a frosty morning at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma starts with a Bobcat and deer nearby, you just know it’s going to be an awesome day!
On my first visit to Oklahoma's Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, I saw and photographed quite a few White-tailed Deer, including this buck.
After hiking down to Moonshiners Cave, Steve Creek and I took a quick trip over to Devil's Den State Park. I'm glad we went; the scenery was spectacular.
Yesterday morning, Steve Creek and I hiked into the Ozark Mountains to visit Moonshiners Cave. Steve had been there before, it was my first visit.
Last week, I went to Buffalo National River in Newton County with Steve Creek and his dog Rosie, and I was thrilled by the Elk and the gorgeous fall scenery.
I had an excellent adventure yesterday morning with Steve Creek and his dog, Rosie, photographing the Elk at Buffalo National River in Boxley Valley, Arkansas.
Earlier this month, while camping at Mount Magazine State Park in Logan County, Arkansas, I had a blast seeing and photographing these White-tailed Deer does.
Today, I am sharing two photos and a short video clip of a female Eastern Gray Squirrel as she gathered leaves for her drey at Mount Magazine State Park.
While at Mount Magazine State Park in Arkansas two days ago, I photographed a White-tailed Deer doe biting her own derrière, which made me laugh out loud.
Incoming cute alert! This morning, I felt like sharing some adorable White-tailed Deer fawn photos I took at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge two days ago.
Is this a landscape photo with a Great Egret in it or a bird image with a bottomlands hardwood forest habitat in it? You get to decide, it doesn't matter to me.
My mom would have been 92 today. I miss her terribly, but she is with me in so many ways. She was also with me when I went to Tishomingo NWR last Saturday.
It has been nine years, and I've created 3,288 consecutive daily posts. Who knows how many words or images I have shared in that time? I honestly have no idea!
Yesterday, there was a foggy start to a morning of bird and wildlife photography at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. I really didn't mind the fog much at all.
Three days ago, my friend Steve Creek and I had an amazing experience with a mated pair of Barred Owls next to a road at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge.
While I was at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge yesterday, I took photos of my lifer adult Northern Cottonmouth, aka Water Moccasin, on one of the roads there.
Two days ago I was thrilled to take early morning Barred Owl portraits at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in east central Oklahoma with my friend Steve Creek.
Over the weekend, I read on Facebook that Tree Swallows have migrated back into Northern Utah for their breeding season. I am so excited about that news!
Every March 3, the world comes together to honor World Wildlife Day, a global occasion that pays tribute to the astounding array of life inhabiting our planet.
Tonight, across the country, ghouls, goblins, super heroes, cartoon characters, vampires, werewolves, mummies, ghosts, and witches will be ringing door bells asking for treats.
I've been meaning to share these images taken on a June day spent with my dear friend Steve Creek from Mount Magazine State Park in Arkansas for weeks.
I was delighted to photograph this Weidemeyer's Admiral butterfly two days ago while I was with April Olson high in the stunning forests of the Uinta Mountains.
Today is a milestone day for me. I'm celebrating the fact that I have shared 3000 daily posts here at On The Wing Photography in a row.
When I photographed this young Red-shouldered Hawk at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge it had been fourteen years since I had this species in my viewfinder.
This morning I wanted to share a few of my recent butterfly images taken in the marsh at Bear River MBR and high up in the Wasatch Mountains.
Almost two weeks ago I took a series of images of this young Rock Squirrel near its burrow next to a dusty dirt road high in the Wasatch Mountains.