Eureka! Ross’s Goose Photos
Three days ago, I was more than delighted to photograph a Ross’s Goose at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in between photographing a young Sandhill Crane.
Three days ago, I was more than delighted to photograph a Ross’s Goose at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in between photographing a young Sandhill Crane.
Two days ago, I was lucky enough to photograph an uncommon visitor to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge—an immature Sandhill Crane I spotted in a field.
Yesterday, I took lots of Fox Sparrow photos, and by doing so, I conquered a nemesis. I've had so much trouble getting Fox Sparrow images that I actually like.
When my day starts with snow, an owl hooting in the pitch dark, and a smile on my face, I expect magic. Yesterday, that magic was a Rusty Blackbird in the snow.
I was over the moon when I saw and photographed a first-winter Harris's Sparrow in a snowstorm yesterday. I’ve waited years and years to take these photos.
I took this Great Blue Heron image on December 1st at Charleston Lake Park in Franklin County, Arkansas, on the same day as the cormorant photos I recently shared.
Today, I'm sharing Wild Turkey images of foraging hens I found in the Stansbury Mountains of northern Utah because it's Thanksgiving Day. It was a lovely day.
I'm delighted to be able to share my first White-faced Ibis photos at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma taken yesterday. I really like these birds.
I was excited when an adult Brown Thrasher showed up yesterday and began moving toward me. I was already zoomed back a bit for the first few photos of the bird.
When I was walking around Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge on Sunday, I stopped to photograph a foraging Great Blue Heron at Sally Jones Lake.
This morning, I'm sharing three Green Heron photos plus a short video that were taken at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma earlier this month.
Who knew that I'd be taking Carolina Wren photos yesterday? I didn't, even though I've been seeing or hearing them daily here. They have just been too skittish.
This young Eastern Bluebird is from the second brood in my friend Steve Creek's nest box in Arkansas this year. I took these bluebird photos two days ago.
Is this a landscape photo with a Great Egret in it or a bird image with a bottomlands hardwood forest habitat in it? You get to decide, it doesn't matter to me.
The last time I visited Bear River MBR, I took quite a few photos of Wilson's Snipes. I also wondered what the new name for this snipe species will soon be.
I'm sharing a few urban Mourning Dove photos this morning that I took close to home yesterday. It was in the upper 20s when I photographed this flock of doves.
I photographed this male House Finch at Farmington Bay WMA 3 days ago. I noticed that he seemed dull compared to male House Finches I saw in Arkansas this year.
Last week, I was happy to photograph a small flock of American White Pelicans fueling up for their fall migration in the wetlands of Farmington Bay WMA.
It is not too soon to be on the lookout for Lesser Yellowlegs migrating through northern Utah, as shorebird migration can start as early as July.
Yesterday, on the way to the Uinta Mountains, April Olson and I looked for birds in the Kamas Valley. That's where I took these Sandhill Crane photos.
I took this Great Egret portrait at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma in June while I was visiting my friend and fellow photographer, Steve Creek.
When I visited Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge with my friend Steve Creek, I was tickled to take several Raccoon images from various locations at the refuge.
When I visited my friend Steve Creek, I photographed this Great Egret at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. The red vegetation floating on the water is azolla.
Just a quick post this morning highlighting a young Eastern Bluebird photographed while foraging on the ground in my friend Steve Creek's yard in Arkansas.
Over the past four months I wanted closer, better photos of the leucistic American Coot that I found on January 2nd. My patience and persistence paid off.
After a very busy day yesterday, I decided to share a simple photo this morning of a male Red-winged Blackbird foraging in grasses at Farmington Bay WMA.
This morning I'm sharing photos of a Gadwall drake resting in snow plus a bonus photo of the leucistic American Coot taken yesterday in afternoon light.
Although much of the water there had iced over, I was tickled to find this White-faced Ibis foraging in the wetlands of Farmington Bay WMA last week.
At Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge yesterday morning, I was surprised to find a Swamp Sparrow near the far southern corner of the auto tour loop.
While I was at Farmington Bay WMA two days ago, this foraging female House Finch next to the road caught my eyes in the early morning light.