Snowy Egret Photos Plus A Poop Shot
This morning, I'm sharing three Snowy Egret photos—two because I like them, and the last one because it makes me laugh out loud.
This morning, I'm sharing three Snowy Egret photos—two because I like them, and the last one because it makes me laugh out loud.
Three days ago, I was more than delighted to photograph a Ross’s Goose at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in between photographing a young Sandhill Crane.
I'm not trying to wish winter away, but warmer-than-normal temps have me thinking about spring and the birds that come with it—like this male Eastern Bluebird.
Yesterday, I took lots of Fox Sparrow photos, and by doing so, I conquered a nemesis. I've had so much trouble getting Fox Sparrow images that I actually like.
This morning, I'm sharing photos of an adult male Downy Woodpecker on a gravel road at Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in Osage County, Oklahoma.
The Pine Warblers hadn't been around in a while, but they have come back, so I was excited and delighted to take immature Pine Warbler photos three days ago.
After I photographed the Ruby-throated Hummingbird I shared yesterday, I focused on a hatch year Red-bellied Woodpecker with some kind of prey in their bill.
Yesterday morning, the Eastern Bluebird in Steve Creek's third brood fledged. We sat for hours on his deck, waiting for the one chick to leave the nest box.
Before I left Arkansas, I had the privilege of seeing and photographing this male Eastern Bluebird teaching his young fledglings where to find food.
Today, I am sharing more Red-bellied Woodpecker photos that I took while visiting my friend Steve Creek and his dog Rosie in his birdy Arkansas yard and garden.
In a previous post, I showed some of the food a male Eastern Bluebird brought in to feed his chicks. This crane fly prey had Steve and me scratching our heads.
Steve and I have some sad news today: the mama Eastern Bluebird at Steve's nest box is no more. The last time we saw her at the nest box was Sunday evening.
Today, I am sharing portraits of a male Eastern Bluebird that were taken in my friend Steve Creek's yard. The male bluebird was bringing food in to his chicks.
Lately, I've been wondering what the new name for the Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay species, that I photograph here in Utah, will be when it is changed in 2024.
On a cold morning two days ago, I had two Redhead drakes in my viewfinder at my local pond. the light was lovely and so were the ducks.
Even though this Least Chipmunk was too close, it was simply too cute to pass by just two days ago when I was in the high country of the Wasatch Mountains.
I'm focusing on beetles this morning. More precisely, I'm sharing Horned Passalus Beetle photos that I took at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
I have to say that I was thrilled to photograph this Eastern Phoebe with prey last month while I was visiting Arkansas and Sequoyah NWR in northeast Oklahoma.
Today I am sharing a Red-headed Woodpecker with a mayfly in its bill that I took yesterday at Sequoya National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
On this day two years ago, I photographed this immature male Common Goldeneye with a catfish at the pond in my neighborhood. It was a chilly, wintry afternoon.
Yesterday morning I spent ten minutes taking Sandhill Crane images high in the Wasatch Mountain Range after finding a pair of cranes next to an alpine creek.
Two mornings ago I spent a few moments taking female and male Yellow Warbler images that were in a willow thicket next to a creek high in the mountains.
Last week while up in the mountains on two separate mornings I was able to take some adult male Yellow Warbler photos at the same willow thicket.
I was photographing a Lark Sparrow when I spotted this Chipping Sparrow with food in its bill fly in and land on a juniper bough.
I spent a couple of hours yesterday photographing winter birds at Farmington Bay WMA and closer to home in the morning and afternoon.
You might wonder why I decided to use an American Robin photo on my Thanksgiving post today and I will explain how I picked this image.
I was looking through images I had taken this summer and decided to share a close up of a male Belted Kingfisher with prey that I photographed in the Wasatch Mountains this summer.
I listen for birds everywhere I go. Their calls and songs help me to locate them so I can photograph and observe them as they go about their lives.
My best opportunities photographing the adult MacGillivray's Warblers with food for their young yesterday happened when the female popped into view with prey in her bill.
The female Yellow Warbler often flew in, landed out in the open and then dove down to deliver the prey she had gathered to her chick that was hidden in the willows.