Flying Canada Geese at the Arkansas River Valley Nature Center
Last week at the Arkansas River Valley Nature Center, I was delighted to photograph a pair of Canada Geese flying over Wells Lake in golden morning light.
Last week at the Arkansas River Valley Nature Center, I was delighted to photograph a pair of Canada Geese flying over Wells Lake in golden morning light.
I honestly don’t know why I’ve never shared this photo of a young male Northern Harrier lifting off from the ground at Farmington Bay WMA in Utah until now.
Three days ago, I wrote about the hawks at Baker's Field in Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. Today, I'm sharing photos of a Red-tailed Hawk flying there.
Yesterday, I had a once-in-a-lifetime experience with a swirling vortex of Snow Geese circling over my head at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
On my most recent trip to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, I saw, but didn’t photograph, Forster’s Terns flying and hunting over Sally Jones Lake.
This morning, I'm sharing one photo that I took of the Red-winged Blackbird murmurations I saw on my last trip to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
Watch Snow Geese land in Oklahoma in my video and learn how you can help track avian flu by reporting sick or dead waterfowl to the AGFC.
Blizzards of Snow Geese have arrived at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge! I’m so excited about all of the Snow Geese that I can barely contain myself. Wow!
Today, I'm sharing a photo of a small flock of American White Pelicans and a Double-crested Cormorant flying by in the gorgeous pink sky at the lock and dam.
This past week, I had my first ever Arkansas American Herring Gull sighting. I was outdoors when several of these gulls were high overhead, too high for photos.
Last week, I went to Buffalo National River in Newton County with Steve Creek and his dog Rosie, and I was thrilled by the Elk and the gorgeous fall scenery.
If I hadn’t been focused on photographing insects two days ago, I wouldn’t be able to share these photos of female and male Eastern Carpenter Bees.
This morning I'm sharing a simple hovering Ruby-throated Hummingbird photo. I took the image yesterday because I had a camera in my hand.
Snowberry Clearwing Moth photos are what I am sharing this morning. The first five images were taken yesterday, and the last one was taken in the spring.
It is time for me to keep my eyes on the sky because Osprey migration is underway. Online, in the past week, I've seen them being reported in Montana and Idaho.
This isn't my typical idea of a Common Raven photo because the raven's face can't be seen. But I like this photo of the raven about to land on the frozen marsh.
While I was at Farmington Bay WMA two days ago, I heard and saw my first Sandhill Crane of the year. The calling crane was in flight, way off in the distance.
It was my first full spring in Utah, nearly 14 years ago, when my keen eyes were used to find my first Black-billed Magpie nest on Antelope Island State Park.
Tundra Swans and memories are on my mind this morning. Six years ago, I sat in my Jeep watching hundreds of Tundra Swans at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
Once upon a time, in a marsh not so far away, I photographed a Ring-billed Gull flying in heavy fog. It was the densest fog I have ever photographed in.
I photographed these Common Mergansers at my local pond three years ago today. I will explain why I only had a few minutes with the mergansers at my local pond.
There was a break in the gray clouds yesterday before noon, so I drove down to my local pond. While I was there, I photographed this Canada Goose on the wing.
The first raptor I photographed in 2024 was this young male Northern Harrier that I found near the refuge auto tour loop at Bear River MBR on New Year's Day.
Three years ago today, I drove the auto tour loop at Bear River MBR alone. One of the birds I photographed that winter morning was this close-up adult Herring Gull in flight.
On New Year's Day morning, I had fun photographing a drake Mallard from the auto tour loop of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge as he lifted off from the marsh.
On this Christmas morning, I am sharing a photo of a young female Northern Harrier in flight that I took exactly three years ago at Farmington Bay WMA.
This morning, I'm sharing six Canvasback hen photos that were taken two winters ago. I found the hen mixed in with other ducks at my local pond.
I wasn't the only person who noticed the huge murmuration of European Starlings at my local pond yesterday morning; other people stopped and admired them too.
Today I am sharing three photos of an immature female Northern Harrier that I took ten years ago at Farmington Bay WMA.
My subject today is about bird talk: American White Pelicans, my friend Adonis, and his recent first trip back East, and to the Outer Banks of North Carolina.