White-tailed Deer Doe On A Misty Spring Morning
When I saw this White-tailed Deer doe at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge standing at the forest edge with mist behind her, I couldn't resist taking her photo.
When I saw this White-tailed Deer doe at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge standing at the forest edge with mist behind her, I couldn't resist taking her photo.
The female Eastern Bluebird here has been very busy the last three days, bringing in nesting materials by the beakful to place inside the nesting box.
This morning, I’m sharing an image of White-tailed Deer on the run at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge because it shows the bottomland hardwood forest habitat.
The contrasting fates of eastern and western Monarchs underscore that their future is still uncertain. With dedicated efforts, we can help butterfly populations rebound—but time is running out.
World Wildlife Day 2025 is a reminder that all wildlife matters. American Bison are a success story, but every species we save today will matter tomorrow.
Just before I photographed a winter Bobcat four days ago at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, I also took photos of a frosty White-tailed Deer doe in the same spot.
I wanted to share this image of a female Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco today because I couldn't resist the soft, innocent look she had after the recent snow.
When the sleet, ice, and snow stopped falling two days ago, I was outside photographing birds when I took photos of this female Eastern Bluebird eating snow.
After the sleet, ice, and snow from the recent winter storm, I was thrilled to have a Purple Finch in my viewfinder for a bit—even though it was bitter cold.
Spring is only 38 days away, and I’m wrapping up my first winter in Arkansas with a sense of appreciation for this new landscape and environment.
I still have a few more images to share from the recent snowstorm here in Arkansas, including these female and male Northern Cardinal photos in the snow.
The second day of the big snowstorm here in Arkansas last week had me out on the deck, taking snowy Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco photos along with other birds.
After the recent snowstorm in Arkansas, I photographed several female Red-winged Blackbirds in foggy, snowy conditions. I had a great time taking their photos.
There is no snow in the forecast, but that won't prevent me from sharing winter Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco images, which are also known as snow birds.
Having a female Eastern Bluebird perch on a lovely Christmas gnome decoration? That’s great fun and a joyous way to usher in the holidays here in Arkansas.
Some areas of Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge were very ducky yesterday. These hen and drake Northern Shovelers were among the dabbling ducks I found.
Late last month, I photographed this weary White-tailed Deer doe at the edge of a road in Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma. She was being chased.
I'm enjoying sharing my Dark-eyed Junco photos from Arkansas almost as much as I enjoy hearing, seeing, and photographing them since they arrived this fall.
I've been waiting since the end of summer to see a Purple Finch show up, and yesterday I finally photographed a single female above the seed feeder!
Today, I'm sharing Wild Turkey images of foraging hens I found in the Stansbury Mountains of northern Utah because it's Thanksgiving Day. It was a lovely day.
Autumn brings a warm glow to Arkansas, and this Eastern Bluebird on driftwood is a perfect reminder of the season’s gentle transformation.
Along with a cool front, the juncos have returned to Arkansas, including this subtle but lovely female Slate-colored Dark-eyed Junco I photographed yesterday.
As the Monarch butterflies made their way through Arkansas at the end of September, I had the chance to take a couple of photos that really show off the unique features between the males and females.
Yesterday morning, I was thrilled when a female Northern Flicker flew into the birdbath for a drink on a chilly autumn day. She seemed to glow in the sunlight.
Yesterday, I was thrilled to have a female White-breasted Nuthatch in my viewfinder for about a minute. I really wish she would had stayed a little bit longer.
When this female Downy Woodpecker showed up at the suet feeder in such dramatic light and shadows, I knew I wanted to photograph her to showcase her beauty.
What's up today? I've got a few female Monarch butterfly images I’ve been meaning to share but I hadn’t edited them until now. This morning seems perfect!
If I hadn’t been focused on photographing insects two days ago, I wouldn’t be able to share these photos of female and male Eastern Carpenter Bees.
Several weeks ago, I shared images of a young male cardinal. Today, I thought it was about time to put an immature female Northern Cardinal in the spotlight.
Yesterday morning, while it was still pitch dark outside, I heard a bird call. Then, I heard a Great Horned Owl hooting. I soon had a mystery on my hands.