White-tailed Deer Fawn In Oklahoma
Incoming cute alert! This morning, I felt like sharing some adorable White-tailed Deer fawn photos I took at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge two days ago.
Incoming cute alert! This morning, I felt like sharing some adorable White-tailed Deer fawn photos I took at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge two days ago.
I photographed these White-tailed Deer does with a fawn last June at Reeve's Slough, which is part of Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma.
The first mammals I photographed at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma were deer. Later in the morning, I found these White-tailed Deer does and fawn in a lotus-edged slough.
Last week while I was up in the Wasatch Mountains is saw some interesting Mule Deer doe behavior after I started to take images of two does and two fawns.
Spring is the season of birth and rebirth, the leaves of trees unfurl, the dormant grasses and forbs poke up through the ground, flower buds burst open and flowers in all the colors of the rainbow appear on the landscapes, birds nest and incubate and wild animals give birth to their young.
Seeing this Pronghorn doe with her fawn three mornings ago brought joy to me and photographing the fawn while it nursed and ran around getting the feel of its long legs made me happy.
I can't resist Pronghorn fawns, well maybe I can, but I don't want to and won't! I saw three fawns close together yesterday on Antelope Island State Park and they put me into cuteness overload.
Seeing this newborn Pronghorn is one of those experiences that I will never forget. I already think that Pronghorn young are the cutest furry baby mammals on the planet.