Colorful Twilight Sky At Red Rock Lakes NWR
I don't have much to say today and all I really wanted to do was share this photo of a colorful twilight I took at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge about 6 years ago.
I don't have much to say today and all I really wanted to do was share this photo of a colorful twilight I took at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge about 6 years ago.
March means spring to me and there are signs of spring that I look for. The first of year sighting of a White-tailed Prairie Dog is a sign of spring for me.
Throughout my life I have liked to think that every sunset has a promise and a gift from Nature in it. The promise that the sun will rise again in the morning.
Why were the mallards sticking close to this Redhead? That was because she was diving down into the pond and bringing up aquatic vegetation to feed on and the mallards were stealing bits of it from her.
I am out wandering and I have a very poor cell signal so I will be surprised if this gets published. This is a photo taken before Sunset last night where I am camping.
Watching a colorful sunset at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge fade to the darkness of night is a gift. A wonderful, priceless gift.
Five evenings ago I was able to photograph a cooperative Vesper Sparrow in Montana's Centennial Valley.
When looking at a Greater Yellowlegs there is NO mistaking how they got the name "Yellowlegs".
I was sailing out of St. Thomas at sunset when these parasailers caught my eye and fortunately I had my camera in hand with a wide angle lens attached.