Female Eastern Bluebird Eating Snow
When the sleet, ice, and snow stopped falling two days ago, I was outside photographing birds when I took photos of this female Eastern Bluebird eating snow.
When the sleet, ice, and snow stopped falling two days ago, I was outside photographing birds when I took photos of this female Eastern Bluebird eating snow.
This morning, I'm sharing photos of an adult male Downy Woodpecker on a gravel road at Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in Osage County, Oklahoma.
Over the past few months, I've been seeing fewer Eastern Cottontail rabbits, which led me down a momentary rabbit hole wondering if this rabbit species hibernates.
This morning I'm sharing one White-throated Sparrow photo taken late last month on a cloudy day. I was thrilled to see and hear this gorgeous bird.
For the first time, I saw, photographed, and filmed a Fox Squirrel gnawing on a deer antler, and it was pretty exciting. The squirrel seemed to love it.
Because of cloudy then scorching hot weather, I didn't get out to photograph yesterday morning. But the day before, I focused on a Fox Squirrel eating acorns.
Yesterday morning, I took my lifer Swamp Rabbit photos at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge after my dear friend Steve Creek pointed the rabbit out to me.
It is almost the end of February and I'm wondering what happened to winter this year in the Salt Lake Valley. Has winter gone on walkabout? Where is the snow?
Because it was a bright, sunny day yesterday morning, I went down to my local ponds. I photographed an American Coot munching on frosty grass near one of them.
I was out running errands yesterday when I found a Greater White-fronted Goose. I drove home to grab my gear so I could photograph this 'specklebelly' goose.
Snow is supposed to start falling around 10 a.m. where I live in northern Utah. It might be the first significant snowfall of this winter down in the valley.
I've been meaning to share these images taken on a June day spent with my dear friend Steve Creek from Mount Magazine State Park in Arkansas for weeks.
Yesterday morning, I spent some time taking photos of baby American Coots not far from where I live. It does seem late in the summer for coot chicks.
Even though this Least Chipmunk was too close, it was simply too cute to pass by just two days ago when I was in the high country of the Wasatch Mountains.
I have a backlog of spring images to go through, including photos of a Rock Squirrel and a blade of grass from the end of April.
I was editing some images for a new project when I came across this photo of two Least Chipmunks side by side on a wooden post high in the Wasatch Mountains.
I spent a little bit of time yesterday taking American Robin photos on frosty grass. The robins were feasting on ripe crabapples that have fallen to the ground.
I was able to get outside in the bitter cold for about an hour yesterday and found myself focused on a female House Finch eating crabapples close to home.
After I cleared the snow from my Jeep yesterday morning, I went out for a bit and took a few male House Finch photos as they feasted on crabapples.
I didn't anticipate seeing many birds when I arrived in Farmington Bay early yesterday morning. I was tickled to photograph this immature White-faced Ibis.
While I was out exploring in the West Desert three days ago I spotted this young Western Kingbird perched on a barbed wire fence close to the road.
Warning: More cute Least Chipmunk photos ahead plus serviceberries high in the Wasatch Mountain Range. I just can't resist them and I don't want to.
Last week I photographed this Least Chipmunk eating breakfast in bright morning light in a willow thicket high in the Wasatch Mountains.
Yesterday I had fun taking juvenile Lazuli Bunting images as several of these young birds rested and moved around eating grass seeds for breakfast.
The last time I was in the field I spotted a Least Chipmunk eating in a small ravine next to a road high in the Wasatch Mountains.
I took this adult Sandhill Crane photo earlier this week as the crane foraged for food in a grassy horse pasture high up in the Wasatch Mountains.
This morning I'm sharing some adult Uinta Ground Squirrel photos that were taken high in the Wasatch Mountains over the past month that I like a lot.
Yesterday morning I was treated to seeing and photographing two cow Elk grazing on a grass and shrub covered hillside in the Wasatch Mountains.
I took these female Black-chinned Hummingbird photos as she fed on the nectar of a honeysuckle last week high in the Wasatch Mountains near an alpine creek.
Cute baby Uinta Ground Squirrel images have become a yearly tradition and desire for me and this week the babies were emerging from their burrows.