It’s Weird Not Seeing California Gulls!
I have to admit that, after living in Utah for nearly fifteen years, it feels weird not seeing California Gulls now that I've moved away. Really weird.
I have to admit that, after living in Utah for nearly fifteen years, it feels weird not seeing California Gulls now that I've moved away. Really weird.
I took these photos of a Fox Squirrel when the squirrel came in to enjoy a nice drink of water at my friend Steve's Creek's bird bath in his yard in Arkansas.
Snow is supposed to start falling around 10 a.m. where I live in northern Utah. It might be the first significant snowfall of this winter down in the valley.
Little did I know that on my last trip up into the Wasatch Mountains, that I would witness a battle between a Belted Kingfisher and my first-of-season Merlin.
This morning, I am sharing young and adult Blue Jay photos that I took from my dear friend Steve Creek's deck while I was staying with him in Arkansas.
I went through more of the Common Loon photos that I have taken since the beginning of this month. I wanted to share more images of these beautiful birds.
Last week while I was up in the Wasatch Mountains is saw some interesting Mule Deer doe behavior after I started to take images of two does and two fawns.
Yesterday and the day before I was able to observe and photograph winter Common Mergansers at my local pond on both sunny afternoons.
I can't say that I prefer one of these Ring-billed Gull images over the other, the low light image is as appealing to me as the one I took in afternoon light. I enjoy them both.
I removed the "Just A" from the title for this post and added "Focusing On A" instead. Why? Because I was focused on observing and photographing this Ring-billed Gull drinking from an icy pond and I'm happy to say that I was.
These portraits of bison bulls drinking from an iced over puddle were taken with my Nikon D500, my 500mm VR lens with a teleconverter attached from inside a vehicle.
I photographed this Clark's Grebe taking a drink the end of October at Farmington Bay WMA near the four way.
Okay, I admit it. I think gulls are beautiful and this California Gull sure looked that way bathing! Look at those bright white feathers, the dark sparkling eyes rimmed in red, the darker contrasting gray feathers, the color and shape of the bill. What's not to like about that?
I photographed this American Bison bull a few days ago on Antelope Island State Park as he was drinking from a freshwater puddle formed by rains over the weekend.