Carolina Chickadee For The Fourth
Why would I share two Carolina Chickadee photos for the Fourth? Because I can. Because my mom loved these little birds and it has been one year since her death.
Why would I share two Carolina Chickadee photos for the Fourth? Because I can. Because my mom loved these little birds and it has been one year since her death.
Today my post focuses on an adult female Red-bellied Woodpecker because she is lovely. I took these images in Arkansas in my friend Steve Creek's yard.
I am sharing a few House Sparrow photos that were taken while I was staying with my dear friend, Steve Creek, in Arkansas. The photos were taken from his deck.
Last week, when I photographed this Carolina Chickadee near Cumberland Pool at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge, it was singing its little heart out.
Wet Northern Mockingbird. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these birds from singing or coming to feed at my friend Steve Creek's feeders.
Before I left Arkansas, I had the privilege of seeing and photographing this male Eastern Bluebird teaching his young fledglings where to find food.
Today, I am sharing more Red-bellied Woodpecker photos that I took while visiting my friend Steve Creek and his dog Rosie in his birdy Arkansas yard and garden.
On my trip to Arkansas, I was been delighted to capture Pine Siskin photos. I believe there was more than one siskin frequenting my friend Steve Creek's feeders.
Yesterday, my window was open. It was a rainy, dreary day, and I found myself inexplicably feeling down. I heard the distinctive calls of a Downy Woodpecker.
This morning, I'm sharing a photo of a White-breasted Nuthatch taken in June from my friend Steve Creek's wonderfully bird-filled yard in Arkansas.
I thought this young male Downy Woodpecker, with bits of suet on his bill, was a striking bird, and that's why I decided to share this photo today.
When I photographed this male House Sparrow in Arkansas, I wasn't thinking about how people love to hate this species. I was simply taking photos of a bird.
This morning, I am sharing young and adult Blue Jay photos that I took from my dear friend Steve Creek's deck while I was staying with him in Arkansas.
I was thrilled to take scores of Carolina Chickadee images when I was in Arkansas, from the comfort of my friend Steve Creek's deck while I visited with him.
I don't find cardinals in northern Utah, so I was super excited to take a few male Northern Cardinal photos while I was in Arkansas with my friend Steve Creek.
I'm sharing just a few photos of female House Finches this morning that I took while I was visiting my friend, Steve Creek, in Arkansas last month.
I was thrilled to observe and photograph this charming young Tufted Titmouse a few days ago. I was able to see and hear Tufted Titmice in both Oklahoma and Arkansas.
Two days ago I found a Cicada exuvia or exoskeleton attached to a driftwood suet feeder. The cicada had emerged sometime during the night to begin its life anew.
When I photographed this immature Downy Woodpecker yesterday in my friend Steve's yard I didn't think I'd get two photos with its tongue sticking out. But I did!
This morning, I'm sharing a few White-breasted Nuthatch images that I took yesterday in my friend Steve's birdy yard, before it got too hot to be outdoors.
I've photographed plenty of Black-capped Chickadees out west but it was about time to add a Carolina Chickadee gallery to my website. Now I have.
I stopped to take photos of an adult male Rough-legged Hawk perched on a driftwood snag over the Bear River when I was leaving Bear River MBR four days ago.
I drove up to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge early yesterday morning where the first bird I photographed was a Great Blue Heron standing on driftwood.
To my delight I was able to take Great Blue Heron photos yesterday on the Winter Solstice that I found on the banks of the Bear River at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.
I photographed Utah's long-staying rare Brown Pelican again yesterday morning at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge and as I took photos of it I worried about its future.
The Brown Pelican didn't do much while I had it in my viewfinder and I probably took way too many photos of it but I don't care, it was unique to see here in land-locked Utah and the setting of the Bear River was definitely different than the many times I have photographed this species back East.
One December morning in 2008 I was sitting in the sand at Fort De Soto County Park's north beach in Florida when a Great Blue Heron came up and perched on a driftwood stump that had washed up onto the shore.
I was tickled one morning when I came across this Turnstone in nonbreeding plumage perched on a piece of weathered driftwood just after the sun came over the horizon with the waters of the Gulf of Mexico behind it.