Eastern Cottontail Rabbits – Do They Hibernate?
Over the past few months, I've been seeing fewer Eastern Cottontail rabbits, which led me down a momentary rabbit hole wondering if this rabbit species hibernates.
Over the past few months, I've been seeing fewer Eastern Cottontail rabbits, which led me down a momentary rabbit hole wondering if this rabbit species hibernates.
Yesterday, I was delighted to see and thrilled to photograph a young Swamp Rabbit not long after sunrise, from the deck of my dear friend Steve Creek's garden.
Today, I’m sharing a close-up of a young Eastern Cottontail rabbit that I took a couple of days ago while sitting as low to the ground as I could possibly get.
This Swamp Rabbit photo is from my second visit to Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge. I was on a gravel road as far as I could go before turning around when I saw it.
I simply could not allow any more time to go by without posting an image of this sweet young Eastern Cottontail I photographed in my friend Steve Creek's yard.
I've been meaning to share these images taken on a June day spent with my dear friend Steve Creek from Mount Magazine State Park in Arkansas for weeks.
When I photographed this Eastern Cottontail rabbit at Mount Magazine State Park in Logan County, Arkansas I was enchanted by it and the setting.
Last month when I spotted a Desert Cottontail in the mountains of the West Desert I knew I wanted to take photos of the rabbit especially since it was so close that I could take portraits of it.
I haven't seen rabbits for quite some time on the island so when I spotted this Mountain Cottontail yesterday on a small snow-topped hill I knew I had to get photos of it.
My best photos of the day were of a Mountain Cottontail in the snow and that isn't saying much because of the annoying grass stem that intersects the rabbit's ears.
I had to share at least one image of this Mountain Cottontail on Antelope Island State Park that showed its little, fluffy white tail, after all that is where they get part of their name.
Just a simple image today of a resting Mountain Cottontail on a snow drift taken on Antelope Island State Park near the park headquarters.
After a few rainy days last week I was able to go to Antelope Island State Park and photograph this Desert Cottontail nibbling on dew laden grasses.
I photographed this little Cottontail Rabbit yesterday on Antelope Island State Park. Black-tailed Jackrabbits are far more common on the island so I was tickled to see this Cottontail near the haybarn.