Eureka! Ross’s Goose Photos
Three days ago, I was more than delighted to photograph a Ross’s Goose at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in between photographing a young Sandhill Crane.
Three days ago, I was more than delighted to photograph a Ross’s Goose at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in between photographing a young Sandhill Crane.
Two days ago, I was lucky enough to photograph an uncommon visitor to Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge—an immature Sandhill Crane I spotted in a field.
This image shows Baker's Field late last month at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. It also shows several hawks, but they aren't so easy to see.
This morning, I'm writing about more "snow"—but not the fluffy, melty kind. Nope, it's the live, honking, feathered kind. By that, I mean beautiful Snow Geese.