Recent Wild Turkey Images
On my three recent trips up into the Wasatch Mountains I have been able to take Wild Turkey images on two of the chilly mornings.
On my three recent trips up into the Wasatch Mountains I have been able to take Wild Turkey images on two of the chilly mornings.
This morning I am sharing a simple image of a Hooded Merganser I found two days ago on a pond at Farmington Bay WMA that had autumn colors reflected on the water.
Some days one good bird is all I get and if I hadn't spotted this cooperative Mockingbird on a Fragrant Sumac in northern Utah yesterday I would have been mostly skunked.
Yesterday I saw so many Ruby-crowned Kinglets in northern Utah that it was impossible for me to keep up with them, I am certain I missed some excellent images because of that.
Autumn colors have begun to appear and they are delightful when reflected on the water with a nearly black and white subject like this resting Clark's Grebe.